for sale : one set cupboard consist of 6 angle & elips type, with a story drawing..Replica of shogun dinasty. good condition.
we are a trading company in the field of buying and selling of waste paper ( recycle paper ) located in purwodadi, 75 km from semarang, central city of midst java. indonesia.
This Washi doll is made of Washi paper from Japan. It is very handy to be given as a souvenir or simply as a gift. Please click or contact Dwita 08125413138.
From hobby to business. From scratch to comersial materials. I make all the papercrafts. Most of the papers I use are origami and washi papers from Japan ( original) . I also use some qualified local....
We' re offering Art Paper 1/ S 70 gsm stocklot ex Japan and Art Paper 2/ S 85 gsm ex Australian. We' re also offering Woodfree / HVS 40 gsm trimming side, R/ W 20 cm, ex local factory. Please contact us....
Our company based on Surabaya is a paper trading for local & export market , especially for packaging, writing and printing paper.
Sudoku Electronic Games give you the largest Sudoku Games puzzle Collection. You don' t have to worry to find another Sudoku puzzle once you this this. BONUS at: http: / / Or http: / ....
We are Smart Online Shopping Place for Smart People in Indonesia that enable all the members be part of the selling team. All members can sell and earn profits. All members can buy and get the best....
Water Heater Gas Frizone is as standard Japan water heater.
we are company based on jakarta , we sell water heater gas/ electric with japan standard. Safety, economic.
real japanese samurai sword( nihonto, shingunto) , antique lamp, and other collection
kami menjual barang barang antik untuk koleksi, pajangan ataupun suvenir. khususnya keris-keris kuno dan buatan baru dengan kualitas pilihan, aksesoris keris , pedang samurai jepang berkualitas/ asli....
glossy liquid metal polish is a new version from indonesia, the formula that cleans and polishes brass, cooper, silverplate, sterling, chrome, stainless steel, nickel, bronze, solid gold, aluminum, ....
our company sell buffing compound for industrial and house needs. we have product in liquid or pieces, per pieces 0, 6 kg per pieces has Rp.15.000, - and liquid has Rp.35.000 per kg
Selling used machines from Japan: lathe machines , power press, Injection moulding. cnc lathe, cnc machining centre
selling induction melting furnace from china
Our variety of samurai product we made have a finest quality of material which is specially import from Japan. We have business relation that is also connect with one of the finest manufacture....
Kita adalah perusahaan yang sudah didirikan sejak tahun 1997 dan menjalankan bisnis ini di areal export dan import.
Sewing machine with 10 tins is very productive for producing carpet with any types. Carpet is good demand to day and tomorrow.
Design Machine, Tooling, Jig & Fixture & Reverse Engineering Machine. Repair and maintenance PLC, CARD, Rotary & Punch Dies, Valve & Electrical Control Digital - Manual.
Trading & Service Division 1. Special Aluminums Gold ( colored Red and Black) tinplate Cap for Glass Bottle 2. � � � Kain Majun� � � cotton 100 % and non cotton 3. Plastic Free Item Bottles in any capacity....
Our Product is concern to " langit biru" , this program is reduced the pollutan, with turbo direct injection isuzu have the best efficiency in gasoline, so more low cost to maintenance, this prove and....
Perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang otomotif, dengan konsentrasi di Merk ISUZU, dan tentunya dengan merk lainnya. Perusahaan ini mempunyai divisi Marketing salah satunya adalah saya. Kami menerima....
we sell 2 ( two) ancient sword samurai 1201 with good condition. good looking. negotiation price, original, please klik
our company project is sell ancient properties ( like sword samurai Japan, istambul Alqur' an etc) .Our compay also give service advice how to invest your money in Indonesia ( fund konsultan) .Tourism....
Ancient Lance & Magic Kris with high supranatural power for a brideprice 1. LANCE call " GUNUNGAN" Made at Demak Empire Times ( 1480 -1550 C ) Under " Raden Patah" administration Periode 2. LANCE Call ....
Sold all product gernerated from forest & sea include antique material
Amazingly upgrade the quality of water and help to increase your water consumption by 30% . Made of" Chi" technology material resulted from state-of-the art bio-water technology. The " Chi" energy of....
Selamat datang di perusahaan kami RKU Global Trading salah satu perusahaan terkemuka di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Kami ada untuk memberikan masa depan yang lebih baik bagi anda. Perusahaan kami....