we brought a qoutation to a customer and company. accesories office room. cutting sticker for your office room
make a cutting sticker and offset printing for your company.. we can give a solution your needed
VIDEO CONFERENCING SYSTEM - POLYCOM HDX 6000, HDX 6004, HDX 6000-720V, HDX 6000-720 POLYCOM HDX 6000, HDX 6004, HDX 6000-720V, HDX 6000-720 Starting or expanding a High Definition video network....
About Us VISITELECOM INDONESIA - PT Laserindo Karya Utama is a company deals in supplying OFFICE and AUDIO VISUAL products. Established in 1999, and until today is still serving many local....
Product variations have range capacity maximum until 4300 ml/ min. The power supply are 0.2 kW/ 380 V/ 3 Phase / 50 Hz. Simple mechanisme. Reliable metering performance and reapetability at the low....
We are Authorized Distributor Dosing Pump Tacmina Japan in Indonesia. More than 15 years we serve many kind market like are water treatment contractor, chemicals supplier, petrochemical company, ....
for Info Price email ke: setia.perfume@ gmail.com              Â
SETIA perfumes faithful is a company selling range worldwide. representatives from the cosmetics sector. Activities based on the company' s sales and distribution of original perfume products....
On behalf of our client we offer you RoRo, Cargo, Passenger Ship. Kindly send your inquiry, we will send you detail of this ship.
Our company established in year of 2000. At the beginning we were a buying agent for well known Korean company supplying handycrafts non-garment type of items to UK hypermarket. Now, we also have....
Specifications Printers Attributes Printing Method Inkjet Print Speed ( up to) Black: Up to 31ppm ( As fast as 1.9 seconds per page) 2 Color: Up to 24 ppm ( As fast as 2.5 seconds per page) 2....
Jasa Pengurusan Dokumen Keimigrasian ( Passport / Paspor, Visa, Ijin Tinggal Warga Negara Asing, Dll.)
Vtalk is a call center software from our company and we already exist for 5 years recently. As a software house we provide other product like Software CRM, Software Call center, Software SMS Gateway
A Company which provide sms broadcasting and email blast aplication. ( Online marketing automation) , or mobile marketing solution.
GPS Big Track Type TRACE 8.1 Solution for your Transportation security and Tracking position
We are general trading, we give you all your requirement
1 Package terdiri : 1.Izin operasional Lab 2.Alat operasional Lab Rutin & Kimia Klinik. 3. Program Lab. 4.Penunjang Lab. , dll.
We ready to serve you : 1.General Clinical Laboratory examination order by MD. 2.General Medical Check Up 3.ECG 4.On Call Home service
-Super Strong, Steel Cable - Patented T-bar Lock for Super Strength -Master Key Option Available -Liftetime Warranty
We are solely distributor of Kensington Products. Such Kensington locks, mouse, laser presenter, power adaptor, iPhone, iPad, iPod & other Apple accessories.
usb kingston 32 gb, cheap price, ... money back guaranteeee.......
our main bussines in egg' s tarading asa a suppier for jakarta and we can suppy computer part
We provide various kinds of promotional goods such as cups, mugs, umbrellas, jackets, shirts, watches, bags, etc, send your offer to ku_ promo@ yahoo.co.id, YM: ku_ promo@ yahoo.co.id thanks cosmos....
WE ARE MANUFACTURER UMBRELLA, RAIN COAT TELP: + 62-21-9111-9172 MOBILE: + 62-818-643-524 FAC: + 62-21-733-2341 EMAIL : promo212@ gmail.com
Torque Measurement We provide services for various mechanical rotation application is portable and can be made to the needs of temporary measures. We use sensor equipment and instruments are handy....
We have been established since 1997 ( 12 year experience) . Our vision is to be one of the biggest Indonesia distributor, agent, and trading company especially in testing, instrument, and....