PT SecureMetric Technology
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PT SecureMetric Technology
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Rockey2[Feb. 1, 2010 23:11:45]
PriceUSD9.35 and lesser (Depends on quantity)
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Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
Pack. & DeliveryKotak
Rockey2 offers the most standard protection of all other Rockey Dongle variants. And with the cheapest in price of all. Cheap doesn' t mean cheapy. Rockey2 is a dongle from the second generation dongle. By using this dongle programmer can keep on changing the security key as much as he/ she wants. Different from dongle from the first generation which only has 1 pre-burn password from factory and can' t be change. The ability of changeable password has erased the weakness from first generation dongle.

The security that Rockey2 has is using encryption that cause the protected software not being able to run if there' s no Rockey2 detected. What more is by using UID which can reinforce the encrypted password that is use by that dongle. There is also background timing check function which can be use to terminate the software if there' s no Rockey2 detected anymore. The message can be customized by programmer to put whatever message he wants if there' s error or inappropriate use. To make it simple, we prepare the SDK. With a very user friendly GUI, user can easily protect the software without the need of having programming skill to do it using our tool. But if the programmer wants to have stronger security, he/ she can use the API that we have provide along with programming sample and also library files also given. Rockey2 is also a driverless dongle.

This dongle is oftenly use by software developer to protect his/ her software. And Rockey2 is intentionally targetted to software that is not very expensive in price or a mass production software. Because for Mass Production Software will need many dongles, and making it better to use a cheaper dongle.

That' s it for Rockey2. For more information please feel free to contact us or visit our website http: / / . Thank you for your time.
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