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Seaweeds & Agar Company Pacific EIRL. ( Seacop EIRL.)

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Seaweeds & Agar Company Pacific EIRL. ( Seacop EIRL.)
Seaweeds & Agar Company Pacific EIRL. ( Seacop EIRL.)
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    Talitrus Saltator (I)  Dehydrated Whole 4mm,  High Content Chitin and Chitosan

    Talitrus Saltator (I) Dehydrated Whole 4mm, High Content Chitin and Chitosan

    USD Fob
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    12 MT por Monthly, Whole and Piece Dehydrated
    Pack. & Delivery:
    Sacks 25 Kg
    We offer:
    Scientist Name: Talitrus Saltator (I) Dehydrated, broken and powder 3 - 30 mesh, 4mm and 10mm Whole. //
    Tatuí - Talitrus: small crustacean of 4mm to 10mm, it is buried in the sand of beaches having dug low tide holes, also well-known like flea of Sea in Chile.//
    Use and Applications: Food for Fish, Mascots of aquarium and reptiles. Feeding animal, Raw material for diverse industries.//
    Content and its Potential: And CHITOSAN contains CHITIN, high content proteins, calcium, vitamin To, astaxantina (Natural Colouring) Polisacárido (Chitin), betacaroteno. The natural Polymers include ARN and DNA, vital in genes and processes of the life.//
    Content of CHITOSAN: Chitosán is soluble in acidified water. This solubility and its viscosity (that can become thicker or lighter, according to it is required).
    In the food industry, it is used to give to consistency and viscosity to the dressings for salads and mayonnaises, for fruits and vegetables, it serves like antimicrobial protector.
    In the Industry Cosmetics and Pharmaceutics, the Chitosan, it is introduced in humectantes creams, it is a absorvente molecule to the water, in shampoo it is used like ingredient, as protective and brightness to the hair. In medicine, antibiotics and in the Industry of the paper, he is main I ooze to fix and to give resistance to the paper, and other applications more.

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