MITRA LASER STORE engaged in the sale of industrial equipment , Mining , Land , Construction , and various other industries . Such as Digital Instrument , GPS ( Global Positioning System ) , Surveying Instruments , Test and Measurement , Radio and Satellite Communication , Telecommunication , Marine Equipment / Marine , Mechanical Equipment , Measurement / Testing Concrete , Tools and Equipment Geology .

Such as : GPS Trimble , Digital Theodolite , Total Station , Waterpass , Automatic Level , GPS Magellan Triton , GPS Magellan eXplorist , GPS Garmin , Mio GPS , GPS Geodetic , Exsplorist Magellan GPS , Furuno GPS , Compass Suunto , Brunton Compass , Clinometer , Altimeter , Spectra GPS , Compass Geology , Laser Meters / Leica Distometer , Binoculars / Binoculars , Planimeter , Measuring Tape , Laser Leveling , Estwing Geological Hammer , Loupe Rouper , Sunlite E1 , Test Hammer , Handy Talky , Radio RIG , Satellite Telephone , Repeater , Rubber Boat / Rubber Boat , Lux Meter , PH Meter , Test Hammer , Rain Gauge , Weather Station , Anemometers , Sound Level Meter , Measuring Instruments , Nikon Forestry , Satellite Phone , Chlorine Meter , Current Meter , DO Meter , Flaw Detector , Tajima Slant Angle Meter 100 , CST Berger , Abney level , Aluminum Tripod , Prism Polygon , Prism Detail , Single Pisma , Range Pole , signs Measure , Laser Line , AX Brain , Rotating Laser , Laser Agatec

With a wide variety of well-known brands such as :

* Total Station | Digital Theodolite | Automatic Level
Topcon , Nikon , Sokkia , Pentax , South , Leica , Sincon , Neolaser , Mysurv , CST Berger , Kolida , Minds , Ruide

* GPS ( Global Positioning System )
Garmin , Trimble , Topcon , South , Spectra , Magellan , Altus

* Laser Meter / Meter Laser
Neolaser , Line , Leica , Precaster , Bosch , Agatec , Robotoolz , Sincon , Fluke

* Compass | Clinometer | Altimeter
Suunto , Brunton , Silva , Freiberg , Barigo

* Binoculars / Binoculars
Steiner , Hunter , Nikon , Bushnell , Celestron .

* HT / Handie Talkie | Radio Repeater
Motorola , Icom , Yaesu , Alinco , Suicom , Kenwood , junior , Weierwei , Firscom

* Other
Inmarsat , Ericson , Isatpone , Aces , Estwing , Lutron , Eutech , Mastech , Tajima Slant


Payment can be made by Cash On Delivery / Bank Transfer .

* C.O.D. ( Cash On Delivery / Pay-place )
Special nTo the " Jakarta " We serve all orders with payment in place , the Process :

1 . We transfer your order to your door
2 . Once you have received please check the completeness and quality of the goods
3 . When it was ' OK ' and no new issues paid
Payment can place in the form of cash or transfer .

Bank transfer
Payment can be made by bank transfer , either through ATM , Cash Deposit , Internet banking or mobile banking . Here is our bank account information use :

Transfer Bank,

No Rekening : 3210422926
Atas Nama : Iyep Saepul H

No Rekening : 1310011272657
Atas Nama : Iyep Saepul H

Hormat Kami,
Mitra laser store

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