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Muhammad Ferick Rinaldy Hutapea
Simpati: 0813 8229 2396
Indosat: 0858 8532 7895
PIN BB: 29DCD135
email: ferickrinaldy@

We sell food prepared from rabbit meat, which is presented in the form of:

1. Rabbit meat Satay, Rp. 30.000, -
per portion ( 1 portions = 10 skewers)

2. Heart Rabbit Satay, Rp. 5.000, -
per 1 skewer

3. Rabbit Soup, Rp. 25.000, -
per portion.

4. Rabbit Brain, Rp. 25.000, -
per piece

5. Tail Meat Rabbits, Rp. 175.000, -

6. Debone Rabbit, Rp. 200.000, -

7. Stuffed Rabbit, Rp. 350.000, -

From the research, rabbit meat is very beneficial for the health of the human body, both to prevent and cure some diseases, and also good for the vitality of the body, here are some benefits of eating rabbit meat:

1. Prevent Cancer
Rabbit meat can prevent cancer because it contains niacin ( 8.43 mg/ 100 g of material, equivalent to 42% of the total daily needs) , vitamin B12 ( 8.3 g ug/ 100 materials) , and selenium ( Se) with levels of 38, ug/ 100 5 grams of material is equivalent to 55% of the total daily requirement of the body.

2. Niacin
Niacin or what we often refer to as vitamin B3 or other name is nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, niasinamid or pellagrapreventive ( PP) factor, is part of the co-enzyme NAD + ( nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and NADP ( nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) of the enzyme dehydrogenase, needed as a catalyst the reaction of hydrogen. Deficiency will cause pellagra disease, whose symptoms appear on the skin, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system ( three Ds of pellagra are: dermatitis, diarrhea, and depression) .

3. Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 or cobalamin has another name antipercious anemia factor, erythrocyte maturation factor or animal protein factor ( APF) , to oversee the growth of the body to remain normal, plays an important role in the maintenance of nerve tissue, and the formation of red blood cells.

4. Curing Asthma
In addition to preventing cancer, eating rabbit meat can cure asthma. Asthma is an allergic disease characterized by sterile inflammation, acute shortness of breath accompanied by attacks on a regular basis, it' s easy wheezing and coughing. By way of a powerful vasoactive mediator release, seperta histamine, serotonin, and bradykinin, mastosit cells play an important role in the occurrence of asthma attacks. In order for these symptoms do not occur, then the cell mastosit have stabilized, the way that the provision of anti-histaminika, including ketotifen. Rabbit meat is thought to have elements of ketotifen.

5. Heart Disease
Rabbit meat can lower the risk of cholesterol and heart disease. Low cholesterol and sodium content makes rabbit meat is highly recommended as a food for patients with heart disease, the elderly, and those with problems with being overweight.

6. Female Fertility
Eating meat and rabbit brain regularly, can also help the fertility of women.

7. Might Men
Consuming meat, rabbit penis and testicles can also help prowess a man.


1. Studies over the past ten years, commanded the Arizona Cancer Center, in 1312 men and women with a history of skin cancer, get, although not yet proven its efficacy in protecting subjects from the brunt of new skin cancers, trace elements ( trace elements) it was able to protect them from some types of cancer. Participants were given 200ug Se supplements daily had 63% , 58% , 46% lower likelihood get prostate cancer, colorectal, and lung, than those who were given a placebo.

2. Meanwhile, according to Prof.Dr.Ir.Deddy Muchtadi, MS, who completed the study S-3 at Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, France, the aging process lowers the levels of Se in the body: blood Se levels decreased by 7 percent after the age of 60 years, and as much as 24 percent after the age of 75 years, so that parents can be free from pellagra, nerve health is maintained, because the spirit remains unwavering mood, and protected from cancer, merajinkan to eating rabbit meat is one solution.

3. Research Dian Kesuma and colleagues from UB ( UB) , Malang, around 2000, successfully proved that rabbit meat does contain ketotifen. Thanks to their success was crowned champion in the national competition scientific fields IPA, then the show took place in the city of Solo.

4. Ahmad Yunus S.Pt, raising SUCCESS CUT RABBIT, Pages 38-43. â € “

5. Http : / / -Http : / /

6. U.S. Department of agriculture ( United States Department of Agriculture) has conducted research on rabbit meat and rabbit meat has declared that meat is healthy to eat. In fact, USDA ( United States Department of Agriculture) states that rabbit meat is the most nutritious meat known to man.

7. Dr. Yono C. Raharjo of Ciawi Livestock Research Center, Bogor, said that rabbit meat has not been a favorite in Indonesia although the nutrients in it is very good for health. Another fact, rabbit meat consists of white meat is low in fat and has a high glycogen levels.

DELIVERY ORDER, please contact
HP 0813 8229 2396
HP 0858 8532 7895

Muhammad Ferick Rinaldy Hutapea
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