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    AFM - SPL : Introduction of State-Of-Art,  Environmental Friendly Disinfectants and Cleaners

    AFM - SPL : Introduction of State-Of-Art, Environmental Friendly Disinfectants and Cleaners

    USD 55/- per litter
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    Any Qnty Not Below 500 Lts
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    25 Lts
    Reg: Introduction of State-Of-Art, Environmental Friendly Disinfectants and Cleaners
    It gives us immense pleasure in introducing ourselves as a corporate that has been on the forefront of hygiene, disinfection, cleanliness and environmental control, globally. We are exclusive OEM manufacturers/suppliers to several MNC’s and Corporations. We make several state-of-the-art products, which have been globally acknowledged, respected and bring us decent volumes!
    The product to be used is AFM SPL. This product is used to control epidemics at Kumbh Mela, Nasik Plague and various public gatherings. AFM SPL is a NON TOXIC product. It will Disinfect, DEodorize and decontaminate the whole area. It should be sprayed on the dead bodies , affected area, land water etc. It will be excellent choice to control diseases in the Tsunami affected areas
    With the advent of WTO and GATT, the policy of protectionism and carelessness are things of past. Products from all parts of the globe are flooding India. It is becoming very difficult to domestic players to keep their share of the market. The main reason as brought forth by the various Confederations and Govt Bodies is the lack of hygiene and quality in the Indian Industry. Quality starts with the basic issue of hygiene in your factory! It is high time that the Dairy, Food Processing, Beverage, Hospitality, Healthcare etc woke up to this challenge and started giving prime attention to the hygienic conditions of their plants, workers and products. This is the first and foremost step in competing with the International Market and Products. Most of the companies are still using, now defunct, phenolic products. Conventional disinfectants/deodorants/detergents do not provide complete and comprehensive coverage. We still find bad odour in the plants, even though they have used conventional products. Choice of disinfectant is most important. We firmly believe that a state-of-the-art should be used which will disinfect, deodorize and do the cleaning also.
    Against the backdrop of such confusing but grim situation, we are pleased to introduce our time-tested range of products which will set aside all your worries related to hygiene and cleanliness. You will no longer have to worry about cross-contaminations, cross-infections, foul odour and cleanliness. Though a comprehensive list will be supplied separately, here we are talking about:
    · AFM-SPL…. A State-of-the-Art broad-spectrum anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, virucidal deodorant etc concentrate form.
    · NEXGEN… The Next Generation environmental and surface disinfectant.
    AFM SPL is the top of the line product FREE from Phenolic Compounds, Chlorine, Chloro-Phenols, and Coal Tar Distillates etc. Our products have Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, Haloginated Ammonium Compounds, surfactants, deodorants etc. Due to the high detergency, degreasing, deodorizing and disinfection properties, it should be used in:
    · Dairies
    · Food Industry
    · Pharmaceutical Industry
    · Sugar Industry
    · Animal Husbandry Industry
    · Beverage Industry
    · Municipalities
    · Garbage Points
    · Fish and Vegetable Markets
    · Slaughter Houses
    · Hospitality Industry
    · Healthcare Industry
    · Cold Storages
    · Confectioneries
    · Poultry Farms and Cattle Sheds
    · Households and any area where infection and odour is an issue!
    The above-mentioned list is suggestive and not comprehensive.
    Diseases and infections have always been a major concern to the entire above-mentioned industries. Fortunately, microbial contamination and foul odour can be prevented and controlled using proper management practices and modern health products. AFM SPL is the solution to all your woes and worries
    Microorganisms are everywhere! Some are relatively harmless while others are highly pathogenic. Some pose a lethal threat to one species of animal while remaining harmless to another species. Some organisms are easily destroyed while others are very difficult to eliminate. The moral is: Treat all microorganisms as if they are a severe threat to Mankind! AFM SPL is your partner in this direction!
    We would request you to kindly go thru the literature of AFM and make a small beginning by using it now onwards!
    We are confident that product will match your expectations as it has been doing in the other parts of the world and country!
    Should you have any query, please feel free to contact us.
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    Thanking you and Meanwhile we remain,
    Very Truly Yours,
    Mrs Santhi

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