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San Miguel Yamamura Woven Product sdn Bhd

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San Miguel Yamamura Woven Product sdn Bhd
San Miguel Yamamura Woven Product sdn Bhd
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    Envirotuff liner

    Envirotuff liner

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    Due to ETL' s affordability, ease of installation, versatility and strength, it can be used across many industries including wine, food and beverages, automotive, plastics, chemicals, computing and electronics.

    The ETL is a fully woven reflective liner that is hung into a general purpose ISO shipping container and allows for forklift loading, hand loading and slip sheet. Once loaded it is completely sealed off temperature & humidity controlled environment for the goods inside.

    Without the proper protection of the ETL, cargo inside a container can be exposed to dangerous heat penetrating by radiation and convection. Radiation or radiant heat comes through the container wall from the outside via infrared radiation while convection is the hot air circulating throughout the container. The ETL eliminates these problems by reflecting up to 97% of the radiant heat and preventing hot or cold air coming through the sealed liner, which would affect the goods. The ETL prevents heat rapidly penetrating or escaping the liner thuse ensuring greater temperature consistency for your cargo during transit.

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