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We are authorized dealer NATIONAL & REGIONAL newspapers and JAWA POS, has a network of agents newsagent in Sidoarjo, Surabaya and Gresik. We serve disseminate brochures that have been experienced since 1977. Our delivery personnel are permanent employees delivering newspapers to be delivered early morning and included / inserted in the newspapers,
so as to ensure 100% delivered and targeted to the following considerations:
1. Newspaper readers most levels above - average ( smu above) .
2. Newspaper readers income level above - average ( middle and upper) .
3. Safely into housing because it is known security and housing occupants. So it is not barred by security guards mainly residential regency models ( single door) .
4. Can be sent to all residential homes and if desired, a house or not subscription newspaper subscriptions.
5. We guarantee Brochures sent, as we enter in the newspapers, before kepelanggan circulated newspaper.
6. We are able to order from the bureau Coverage Services brochure to be inserted kekoran, you are right if you contact us without any other service bureau.
â � ¢ 500-900 @ Rp. 300. -
â � ¢ 1000 - 1100 @ Rp. 275. -
â � ¢ 1200 - 3000 @ Rp. 250. -
â � ¢ 3200 - 6000 @ Rp. 225. -
â � ¢ 6200 - upstairs @ Rp. 200. -
For tabloid / magazine additional Rp. 100 / flyer.
Spread Premium newspaper insert Mandarin: Guo Ji Ri Bao @ Rp 350, -
TARIFFS Door To Door, Quarter Road, Center crowd:
â � ¢ 1000 - 1100 @ Rp. 200. -
â � ¢ 1200 - 3000 @ Rp. 185. -
â � ¢ 3200 - 6000 @ Rp. 170. -
â � ¢ 6200 - upstairs @ Rp. 150. -
In accordance with the above review, the price of services perlembar send / insert our services more competitive and more reasonable than the other service company brochure, which force the sender is insedentil ( not fixed) ,
if there is an order, called for a new job / post, so it is not known by the guard or housing residents.
Usually sending corporate energy dispersive services brochure alternated sending officers as a sideline job, the level of responsibility in the delivery of work they will be very low and brochures. There are not sent ( bulging) .
Make sure your brochure handed to us, which has a network of community agencies authorized agent Jawa Pos in Sidoarjo, Surabaya and Gresik, you will definitely brochures we distribute to the area page. on demand.
BE CAREFUL MAFIA scattered BROCHURE SERVICE COMPANY. Address not clear / contract, Contac Services / CS or Contac Person / CP disposable mobile number. FIXED avoid disposable phone / telephone cable / telephone Telkom. Brochures circulated in part, or one sent home more than a brochure, or publish diperempatan / road, every car / bike spd receive more than one brochure to speed flyers who brought quickly exhausted.
WE too well AND SPECIAL .............
Specialist disseminate brochures and pamphlets pairs ....
By method of door-to-door, street intersection, Mosque, Church, Mall, Factories, Schools, Colleges, and in the crowd ... all done with professional ........ cheapest price guaranteed ........
Guaranteed brochure spread evenly in each area ....
VERY EFFECTIVE to boost sales of products / services, personal and corporate image imaging ....... absolutely cheapest! ! !
very EFFECTIVE for marketing products / services your company.
Authorized dealer Jawa Pos
Jln. R. Rakhmad no. 15 Gedangan Sidoarjo. Phone. 031-8544482.
Fax.031-8552577, Flexi. 03170862906, Telkomsel.08123199319, Indosat.085732706760, Three.089630733483, BB Pin. 282A1944
Jln. A Yani no. 70 Gedangan Sidoarjo. Phone. 031-8531143, Flexi.03171862854, As.085232507065, 03, 171, 730, 457. Axis.083831845995, XL.087819544653, Indosat.085732223739
Web: www.iklankoranjawapos.com
Email: Sandra_tk6@ yahoo.com
YM: desarsandra@ yahoo.com
# The Miracle of Nature ( XAMthonePlus) # PT. Sony Indonesia
# Petra Fresh Club # Honda Surabaya Center # INDOSAT
# # Tanaya Zakat House Surabaya Gallery # ENGLISH FIRST ( EF)
# AJBS ( Building Materials, Furniture & Equipment Technique) # METROdept Store
# JobsDB. Recruitment OnLine # Polytechnic SAKTI Surabaya
# Hotel Bumi Surabaya. Jl. Jend. Surabaya Basuki Rakhmad 106-128
# SUN Department Store
Kaja # # Dinasty Tour & Travel Tour and Travel
# Centurion Property Group
# Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine YU SHENG TANG New Hope Group
# PT. AFIS Sari Prima Prime Products Soy Powder
# Super Spring Center Bakul GPS Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim 51 Sby
# Tri Satria Beautiful Motorcycle Dealers Motorcycle
# ICBC Center Bldg. Basuki Rahmat 16-18 Sby
# Enterprise Organizer Manager / Operator Exhibition at the Mall
# Foundation Pondok pesantren Princess Bangil
# INDOFEX Organizer Manager / Operator Exhibition at the Mall
# Mega Hardware Jl. Kingdom Kuwukan 62A Sby
# Ebad Official Travel Provider Umrah, Hajj and Islamic Plus Tour
# MM Furni Center Exhibition Organiser at Mall
# DR Image Sentra Commercial Interior Commercial Sidoarjo
# Chun Yuan Zhang Palace Restaurant Jl. Kingdom Lontar 127 Sby
# D' Hair Hair Treatment, PTC, Royal Plaza. Commercial Orchid Mas.
# Drink Health Heavenly Blush.
# Wah-Kee Rice & Noodle SuperMall Lt.1-045B Sby.
# DECOLINE laminted Flooring Jl. Kupang Indah VII no. 10 Sby
# Viar Motorcycles Indonesia
# VALUE Car Wash Kingdom Jemursari 1A Sby
# MANNA Car Dealer Jln. Kertajaya by
# Sambel Pecel basil Instant roemahan
# Shangri-la Hotel Jl. May Jend. Sungkono 120 Sby
# Bank Companion Sampurna Jl. Diponegoro 73 Sb
# Richeese Factory Bogor Jakarta Bandung Sumedang Surabaya
# ArminaReka Prime peyelenggara Umrah & Hajj Plus
# And Others Others Who Can not We Write The One
You may click the "Company Info" and "Contact Us" to browse and see other informations of SANDRA BROSUR's website.
We are authorized dealer NATIONAL & REGIONAL newspapers and JAWA POS, has a network of agents newsagent in Sidoarjo, Surabaya and Gresik. We serve disseminate brochures that have been experienced since 1977. Our delivery personnel are permanent employees delivering newspapers to be delivered early morning and included / inserted in the newspapers,
so as to ensure 100% delivered and targeted to the following considerations:
1. Newspaper readers most levels above - average ( smu above) .
2. Newspaper readers income level above - average ( middle and upper) .
3. Safely into housing because it is known security and housing occupants. So it is not barred by security guards mainly residential regency models ( single door) .
4. Can be sent to all residential homes and if desired, a house or not subscription newspaper subscriptions.
5. We guarantee Brochures sent, as we enter in the newspapers, before kepelanggan circulated newspaper.
6. We are able to order from the bureau Coverage Services brochure to be inserted kekoran, you are right if you contact us without any other service bureau.
â � ¢ 500-900 @ Rp. 300. -
â � ¢ 1000 - 1100 @ Rp. 275. -
â � ¢ 1200 - 3000 @ Rp. 250. -
â � ¢ 3200 - 6000 @ Rp. 225. -
â � ¢ 6200 - upstairs @ Rp. 200. -
For tabloid / magazine additional Rp. 100 / flyer.
Spread Premium newspaper insert Mandarin: Guo Ji Ri Bao @ Rp 350, -
TARIFFS Door To Door, Quarter Road, Center crowd:
â � ¢ 1000 - 1100 @ Rp. 200. -
â � ¢ 1200 - 3000 @ Rp. 185. -
â � ¢ 3200 - 6000 @ Rp. 170. -
â � ¢ 6200 - upstairs @ Rp. 150. -
In accordance with the above review, the price of services perlembar send / insert our services more competitive and more reasonable than the other service company brochure, which force the sender is insedentil ( not fixed) ,
if there is an order, called for a new job / post, so it is not known by the guard or housing residents.
Usually sending corporate energy dispersive services brochure alternated sending officers as a sideline job, the level of responsibility in the delivery of work they will be very low and brochures. There are not sent ( bulging) .
Make sure your brochure handed to us, which has a network of community agencies authorized agent Jawa Pos in Sidoarjo, Surabaya and Gresik, you will definitely brochures we distribute to the area page. on demand.
BE CAREFUL MAFIA scattered BROCHURE SERVICE COMPANY. Address not clear / contract, Contac Services / CS or Contac Person / CP disposable mobile number. FIXED avoid disposable phone / telephone cable / telephone Telkom. Brochures circulated in part, or one sent home more than a brochure, or publish diperempatan / road, every car / bike spd receive more than one brochure to speed flyers who brought quickly exhausted.
WE too well AND SPECIAL .............
Specialist disseminate brochures and pamphlets pairs ....
By method of door-to-door, street intersection, Mosque, Church, Mall, Factories, Schools, Colleges, and in the crowd ... all done with professional ........ cheapest price guaranteed ........
Guaranteed brochure spread evenly in each area ....
VERY EFFECTIVE to boost sales of products / services, personal and corporate image imaging ....... absolutely cheapest! ! !
very EFFECTIVE for marketing products / services your company.
Authorized dealer Jawa Pos
Jln. R. Rakhmad no. 15 Gedangan Sidoarjo. Phone. 031-8544482.
Fax.031-8552577, Flexi. 03170862906, Telkomsel.08123199319, Indosat.085732706760, Three.089630733483, BB Pin. 282A1944
Jln. A Yani no. 70 Gedangan Sidoarjo. Phone. 031-8531143, Flexi.03171862854, As.085232507065, 03, 171, 730, 457. Axis.083831845995, XL.087819544653, Indosat.085732223739
Web: www.iklankoranjawapos.com
Email: Sandra_tk6@ yahoo.com
YM: desarsandra@ yahoo.com
# The Miracle of Nature ( XAMthonePlus) # PT. Sony Indonesia
# Petra Fresh Club # Honda Surabaya Center # INDOSAT
# # Tanaya Zakat House Surabaya Gallery # ENGLISH FIRST ( EF)
# AJBS ( Building Materials, Furniture & Equipment Technique) # METROdept Store
# JobsDB. Recruitment OnLine # Polytechnic SAKTI Surabaya
# Hotel Bumi Surabaya. Jl. Jend. Surabaya Basuki Rakhmad 106-128
# SUN Department Store
Kaja # # Dinasty Tour & Travel Tour and Travel
# Centurion Property Group
# Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine YU SHENG TANG New Hope Group
# PT. AFIS Sari Prima Prime Products Soy Powder
# Super Spring Center Bakul GPS Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim 51 Sby
# Tri Satria Beautiful Motorcycle Dealers Motorcycle
# ICBC Center Bldg. Basuki Rahmat 16-18 Sby
# Enterprise Organizer Manager / Operator Exhibition at the Mall
# Foundation Pondok pesantren Princess Bangil
# INDOFEX Organizer Manager / Operator Exhibition at the Mall
# Mega Hardware Jl. Kingdom Kuwukan 62A Sby
# Ebad Official Travel Provider Umrah, Hajj and Islamic Plus Tour
# MM Furni Center Exhibition Organiser at Mall
# DR Image Sentra Commercial Interior Commercial Sidoarjo
# Chun Yuan Zhang Palace Restaurant Jl. Kingdom Lontar 127 Sby
# D' Hair Hair Treatment, PTC, Royal Plaza. Commercial Orchid Mas.
# Drink Health Heavenly Blush.
# Wah-Kee Rice & Noodle SuperMall Lt.1-045B Sby.
# DECOLINE laminted Flooring Jl. Kupang Indah VII no. 10 Sby
# Viar Motorcycles Indonesia
# VALUE Car Wash Kingdom Jemursari 1A Sby
# MANNA Car Dealer Jln. Kertajaya by
# Sambel Pecel basil Instant roemahan
# Shangri-la Hotel Jl. May Jend. Sungkono 120 Sby
# Bank Companion Sampurna Jl. Diponegoro 73 Sb
# Richeese Factory Bogor Jakarta Bandung Sumedang Surabaya
# ArminaReka Prime peyelenggara Umrah & Hajj Plus
# And Others Others Who Can not We Write The One
You may click the "Company Info" and "Contact Us" to browse and see other informations of SANDRA BROSUR's website.
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