Huawei Ets 1201, FWT CDMA Fax Huawei Ets 1201, Terminal CDMA Fax Huawei Ets 1201, FWT Fax Huawei Ets 1201, CDMA Terminal Fax Huawei Ets 1201[Feb. 12, 2012 20:42:07]
Ets 1201 Huawei fwt
Made in China
RUIM Card Type
Equipped with:
swicth on or off
Capacity 2 Port Rg 11
Jenih sound quality is almost like a phone cord
Can be connected to the PABX and various types of telecommunication equipment and PDPT both Card and support for various brands of outstanding dipasaran.Trigger Voice Detect, signal 16kc, Polarity Reversal, non 16kc / 425Hz.
Battery led indicator as battery charge and stand by. Green Battre full capacity, orange mencash. Also equipped with LED signal indicator with 4 LED that indicates the arrest signal.
Equipped with a powerful backup battery standby of up to 2 hours to make communication more comfortable if you die a sudden flow of electricity so you do not disrupted communications.
DTMFnya is perfect so you can access the BCA uses the automatic answering machine by entering a few digits of your account number
Suitable for operators Flexi, Esia, StarOne, Mobile-8 and others.
" Want to send and receive faxes via cdma! Use fwt cdma huawei ets 1201 fax ruim!
You can send and receive faxes like fixed line telecoms cables through cards like cdma cdma flexi - starone, etc.. You can use prepaid cards ( refills) or postpaid ( subscription) .
Use special cdma fixed wireless terminal that can be parallelized to a fax machine, pabx phone & fix. "
Have a fax function via the cdma telephone like cable ( fixed line) . 99% support fax machines. Fax terminal cdma huawei ets 1201 has fax functionality and a parallel / PABX.
Can send and receive faxes and can be parallelized to a regular phone / hand set or a regular home phone connected to a PABX.
Ets fax cdma 1201 cdma 800mhz support all cards such as flexi, esia, StarOne, m8, etc..
Cdma fax functions such as taking telephone cable ( fixed line) Not Support Digital Fax Machine.
Fax terminal cdma huawei ets 1201 has fax functionality and a parallel / PABX.
Can send and receive faxes and can be parallelized to a regular phone / hand set or a regular home phone connected to a PABX.
Rp 1, 300, 000, - Not-Warranty