Rich Crop 10-32-0 is a clear red liquid for the assistance to the growth of harvest. Rich Crop 10-32-0 contains the combination of nitrogen, available phosphate, zinc chelate, potash amino acid and fish extract to enhance crops harvest and the resistance of disease. The series adds amino acid to synthesize protein, ferment, chlorophyll and other protoplasm. Amino acid also helps enhancing the blossoming, increasing the sweetness and color saturation of fruits. Fish extract enhances plants resistance and makes nutrition balanced. Rich Crop 10-32-0 may be placed 1-2 inches below seeds or directly injected into root system because the product is non-phytotoxic. Rich Crop 10-32-0 is designed for use in all soil types. It should be concentrated for maximum response. Apply it as a band in the soil or inject it through drip or micro-sprinkler systems. Application rates will vary depending on the crop grown. Rich Crop 10-32-0 is effective for mid season phosphate levels fall below optimum values and helps plants for great harvest.