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Name:Mr. Ibrahim shanbour [Sales]
E-mail:Send Message
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Ibrahim shanbour at irbid
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Ibrahim shanbour at irbid
Address:Jordan-irbid/p.o.box 2706
irbid 21110
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jun. 21, 2005
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade of Gifts & Crafts category

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Welcome to rugs by shanbour, the online store, which you can find special styles of rugs coming from the Middle East.
The most ancient rug discovered was 2500 years ago, in north Siberia. There is no certain history for the beginning of this art.
In Jordan and in the Middle East region the Bedouins and villagers used to make these hand-woven wool rugs long time ago.
It is 100% natural pure wool, from Jordanian and Egyptian sheep wool.
1.It is 100% natural pure wool, from ( Jordanian and Egyptian) sheep wool, other rug products are mixed 50% wool + 50% cotton.
2.we have different patterns and styles:
A. Mifahhed style( Leopard style) ....which is related to villagers.
B. Bani hamidah styleâ € ¦ which is related to Bedouins in the middle part of Jordan.
C. Folk and arts style. â € ¦ Which is related to popular arts and folk.
D. Tops style â € ¦ which is related to Egyptians.
E.Portraits style.... which you can hang on the wall.
3.we are part of the Middle East where the Bedouins and villagers used to make this hand â € “ woven wool rugs long time ago.
4.If our sizes of rugs are not suitable for you, please identify the rug you like and we can make the size you like
5.any photo or any design you like we can do it for you manually on the rug
6. If you are interested please let me know at, for more details and informationâ € ™ s contact me at any of the following addresses:
q ishanbour @ yahoo.com
q mobile 00962-777438544
q Or fax it to the support manager ( Ibrahim shanbour) at the following no.
q OR by post mail
P.O.Box 2706

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