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Name:Mr. Saeful Rahman [Owner/Entrepreneur]
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Google Talk:  saefulrahman83  saefulrahman83
Y!: layanan_rubber 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Saeful Rahman at Garut
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Saeful Rahman at Garut
Address:Garut Jawabarat
Garut 41151, Jawa Barat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Feb. 4, 2012
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade of Industrial Supplies category

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Company Brief

Grow and develop in the rubber industry center of West Java, with experience processing Rubber Products More than 10 years, continuously expanding and applying the latest technology in the processing of the rubber industry.

To enhance professionalism and customer service will be officially established PD.RUBBER ENGINEERING CENTER, SIUP No. 503 / 1659 / 614 / PK / PPTSP / VII / 09.B. With a wide range of products without mengesa lbih, Pingkan product quality.
We offer products ranging from natural rubber to rubber Shyntetis, with special qualification, separti rubber heat resistant, resistant to friction, or resistance of certain chemicals, and keeping the industry has given us kepercayaanpada, both in maintenance also the products we offer, we Variant Items offer include:
Rubber Press.
Rubber Seals, Silicon Slang, VHS Packing all types, SILICONE PACKING MC. Packing DYEING MACHINE all types of Boilers, Door Seal Indachi. Membrane, Rubber Strip, Ball Milling, Separators Rubber, Rubber Coupling, ORING. Nozzles ORING, SILICONE hoses, mounting, MOUNTING.KUREHA RUBBERSTRIP. PACKING Boilers, KNEEBREAK, spindle BREAK.Convreyor, gaskets, PHE SEAL, Sponge ROLL, ROLL TOP, HOLD BOTTLE SILICONE, LEG CHAIR, EX KUREHA RUBBERSTRIP Original Japan, KW 55, FF30, KS_2, HF-1-70.KE. TH-71.KS 2.HS-3.PF-90. BOBOTEX, Bolin and local, and all products made from rubber,
Types of Rubber.
Silicone, Shyntetis, Viton, MBR.BR.Camel back, Hypelon, Kickers, EPDM, ebonite, Bakelite, Carbon Teflon. Novotek. PU, Klingrit Packing, Packing Garlock, Drayer Net Dll

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