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 Products Catalog:PENGHILANG BULU / PERONTOK RAMBUT PERMANEN HERBAL 100% ORIGINAL PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:LULUR BANCI TAILAND Hp.081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:VACUM + CREAM PEMBESAR PAYUDARA / PERAWATAN DADA BESAR HERBAL 100% ORIGINAL Rp.300.000 Hp.0813.4365.4054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:Nano Active Gold Mask Rp.95.000 HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:LACOS WHITENING BODY SOAP GOLD HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:Natural Crystal X For Women ( Obat Keputihan, Perapet) TERMURAH PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR OBAT PENINGGI BADAN / TUBUH ( GROW UP ) RP 150.000. HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR Pemutih Wajah TENSUNG Aman 100% RP 150.000. HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR ABC ACAI BERRY DIETARY SUPPLEMENT SOFT GEL kwalitas no.1 harga grosir Rp 150.000 BELI 2 BONUS 1 HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN grosir pelangsing fruit & plant slimming herbal berkwalitas Rp. 150.000 . HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:EMILAY WHITENING ORIGINAL RP 190.000 PIN BB : 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR Pelangsing Badan Lida Daidaihua Ampuh Turunkan Berat Badan Hingga 15kg Dalam 1 BulanRp. 160.000 . HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:CELANA HERNIA MAGNETIK DAN OBAT HERNIA HERBAL Rp.300.000 Hp.0813.4365.4054 pin bb 2104654B  Products Catalog:Penghilang selulit Guratan Pada Wanita Pasca Melahirkan Harga 135.000 Hp.081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:NATURAL BAMBOO SLIMMING SUIT IDR 150.000. Hp.081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:OBAT MATA / PIL + TETES MATA SUPER ATASI MIN / PLUS / KATARAK HERBAL 100% ORIGINAL PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:Pemutih Ketiak & Selangkangan Hasil Permanen 100% Herbal @ .130.000 Beli 2 Bonus 1. HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:PENUMBUH RAMBUT HAIRTONIKUM RP 150.000 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:PEMUTIH GIGI super bersih CLEANNESS TOOTH Harga : 130.000 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:PAKET WHITENING CREAM BIOCENT RP 150.000 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:PELANGSING FATLOSS LOGO JIMPNESS BEAUTY, PROMO BELI 12 Pack SPESIAL HARGA 850, 000, PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:PEMUTIH BADAN ALAMI BODY WHITENING JADIKAN KULIT PUTIH DAN BERSIH Rp, .140.000 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR MEILIBAHENLING PENGHILANG BEKAS LUKA LAMA MAUPUN BARU RP 110.000 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSISR PELANGSING TUBUH / BADAN HERBAL ( MEIZITANG ) RP 150.000. HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR PENGGEMUK BADAN SUPER ( KANPI BUWAN) GINGSENG RP 150.000 HP HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B 

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AGEN GROSISR PELANGSING TUBUH / BADAN HERBAL ( MEIZITANG ) RP 150.000. HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B[Jan. 4, 2012 20:16:10]
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque, L/C
Pack. & DeliveryPACK
OriginUnited States
Best-selling slimming capsule-shaped easy, practical and safe in losing excessive weight. Enough in 3-7 days can feel the results immediately. One month could menurunkann weight 10-20 kg. Meizitang is a dietary supplement made from herbal ingredients that will control the appetite. Once drinking, immediately feel the results.


* Drink one ( 1) softgel with warm water in the morning before breakfast. ( Not more than 1 sofgel / Can for 36 days)
* Avoid temporary Milk, Coffee, Alcohol, And Soda because it can neutralize the effects of any medicine.
* Expand the fibrous foods like fruits and vegetables.

Drug Specifications:

* Forms softgel
* Direct Body Absorbed
* Work Faster Since First Drink
* Without Sports
* Without Surgery
* Without Strict Diet


* Extract from Fructus Citri Aurantii Amarae ( Bitter Orange)
* Oriental Water plantain
* Extract Jobstears seed
* Cassia Seed Extract
* Atractylone
* Extract Tarragon
* Perilla frutescens
* Psyllium shell
* Guar Gum
* Alfalfa
* Hoof Bamboo shoot
* Lotus
* Plus Vit E Good For The Skin.
Excess Slimming Meizitang

* Shaped like a vitamin in the form of softgel
* Safe taken because 100% of the Herbal
* Contains a wide range of plants that can make so young and make the skin dull ga
* It is suitable for those who want to consume slimming but there is no time to the gym ( fitness / sports)
* Increase Metabolism With Burn Fat, Throw Through Sweat And Urine
* Potential Effect Haus, So Should Drink lots of water
* Holding Appetite Since First Drink

Characteristics that must Guaranteed authenticity:

1. In the packaging there is a guarantor of the certificate aslian
2. In the body there softgel MZT code written with a laser
3. No color laser paper, if the color or word can mean false fade

Medication Is Not Intended For:

Pregnant and lactating women
Under age 18
Over 65 years.

1 Pack @ . 150.000, -
6 Pack = 650.000, -
12 Pack = 1.100.000, -

NO HP: 0813 4365 4054
021 7068 9922
BB PIN: 2104654B

Cara ORDER CEPAT melalui SMS :
1. Sebutkan nama lengkap
2. Sebutkan alamat lengkap + kode pos ( untuk menentukan ongkos kirim)
3. Sebutkan berapa box MEIZITANG yang anda pesan
4. Pilih BCA/ BNI/ MANDIRI/ BRI untuk anda transfer

Kirim ke no hp : 081.343.654.054

Contoh SMS ( misalkan nama anda fatur rohman) :
Fatur , Order 2 box , MEIZITANG, Jl Paledang No.15 RT08 RW017 Kelurahan pralaya kecamatan ambaran bandung jawa barat 14520, via BCA
( Kirim ke no : 081.343.654.054)

Selanjutnya kami akan membalas total harga + ongkos kirim + rek bank.
Konfirmasikan pembayaran anda setelah transfer :
contoh sms konfirmasi transfer :
sudah transfer Rp. 320.000 via BCA utk 2 box MEIZITANG , dari Fatur ( bandung)
kirim via SMS ke : 081.343.654.054
Paket dikirim rapi ( polos untuk menjaga privacy anda) .

Payment Method Please Transfer To:

Bank Account

AN. Fathur Rohman
Cab. flagpole

AN. Fathur Rohman
Cab. Roa Malacca

AN. Fathur Rohman
Cab. Jakarta City
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