Specification :
Kacip Fatima (Labisa Pothoina Lindl) is traditional used for:
a) Established regula menstrual cycle
b) Prevent cramping
c) Balance and harmonise female reproductive system
d) Support healthy vaginal flora
e) Solve problem related to constipation
f) Tighten vaginal skin and walls
g) Firming and toning abdominal muscles
h) Cleansing and avoiding painful or difficult menstrualation
Kacip Fatima (Labisia pumila by its scientific, Latin name) is a leafy plant that grows in the shade of forest floors. The leaves are about 20 centimeter long, and they are traditionally used as a kind of tea by women who experience a loss of libido.
Labisia pumila (Myrsinaceae), popularly known as "Kacip Fatimah",has been used by many generation of the Malay women to induce andfacilitate childbirth as well as a post-partum medicine (Burkill,1935). Three varieties of L. pumila had been identified and found inMalaysia, they are var. alata, var. pumila and var. lanceolata (Stone,1988). It is imperative to differentiate the three varieties in termsof their physical and chemical characteristics as well as biologicalactivity, in order to determine the proper plant material for use,hence producing quality herbal medicines with proven safety andefficacy.
The current high rate of demand and methods of harvesting medicinalplants, particularly from the wild, for the herbal market has lowerednatural population sizes for many species. Even for wild Americanginseng (Panax quinquefolius), regardless of its historical abundance,in some locations it has been reduced to populations of a few dozenindividuals (Van der Voort, 1998). This has made research on thepropagation of medicinal plants more urgent than ever.
AS THE WILD COLLECT , our price from USD 100/KG dried leaves
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