Manufactures of Table lift, at any various size, Specifications, and Type. depend to customer demand.
ABU Specialist in manufacturing Tank & Hydraulic Equipment, such as : Storage Tank, Buffer Tank, Silo Tank, Power Unit, Cylinder, Table Lift, Press Machine, etc. ABU also serve Installations....
Manufactures transportations Tank/ mobile Tank, such as : Water Transportation Tank, Fuel Transportation Tank, Lube Tank, etc
One of the Product we made, is TANK. AFFARI BERKAH UTAMA ( ABU) specialist in manufactures of tank with various size & capacity, such as : Storage Tank, Blending Tank, Mixer Tank, Transportation....
Hydraulic Pumps ; begin from smallest capasity up to higher capasity, with any various type and functions. Merk : Vickers, Tokimec, Yuken, Eaton, etc
Storage Tank . We are manufactures of Storage Tank begin smallest size up to biggest size, depend to customer demand. and another Specifications Tank, such as Silo Tank, Pressure Tank, etc.
Manufactures Transportation Tank. with kinds Moveable or unmoveable as according to needed. Material of Tank that worn from Carbon Steel or Stainless Steel depending function / application' s of....
we are manufacturing Hydraulic Tippler. for application at industrial company. we also already for any installations hydraulic system.
Our work Shop I : Special for Tank manufactures.
Fabrication / Design Tank in various sizes and dimensions for various industries, with materials Carbon steel / mild steel or Stainless Steel. 1. Storage Tank 2. Tank Mixer 3. Tank Heater 4.....
Vane Pump, available at any type and brands, such as : Vickers, Tokimec, Yuken, Daikin, Bosch Rexroth, etc.
AFFARI BERKAH UTAMA ( ABU) is privat enterprise that move in the field of one of them : 1. Manufacture / Design Storage Tank in vary size. 2. Manufacture / Design Blending Tank. Ingredient' s....
Tank Stainless Steel : plate' s ingredient that used stainless steel, with degree and thickness that vary as according to application' s tanks.
hidrolik Motor Bintang type 7 bintang, 10 bintang Merk Kawasaki, Komatsu, Vickers
we are manufacture hydraulic power unit, with various size and capacities begins from power unit standard up to power unit for special application. Support by experience and good ' s technique' s....
Hydraulic Pumps, Available at any type and Brands. such as : Vickers, Tokimec, Yuken, Daikin, Bosch Rexroth. etc