We Sale Compressor Tecumseh type CAJ 4517 Z
SUMBER MANDIRI, engaged as a retailer of Air Conditioning Spare Parts. Established in 1999, SUMBER MANDIRI has an extensive experience in the supply of Air Conditioner ( AC) units and spare parts. We....
We Salel Tecumseh Compressor type CAJ 9513 Z
Freon R.22 Genetron Honeywell : : Genetron ® 22 is an HCFC refrigerant that operates with high pressure but low compressor displacement. Genetron ® 22 is popular in residential, commercial and....
Freon R.134a Klea : : A new environmentally preferred product Klea R 134a is part of a new series of HFC Refrigerants from Ineos Fluor Chemical, the worldâ € ™ s leading manufacturers of Chemical....
Refrigerant HCFC-141B : : Description R141B products belong to HCFC series refrigerant. It is colorless liquid under ordinary temperatures. Non-toxicity, low ODP and good chemical stability is....
Freon Suva R.134a : : Refigerant Gas R.134a : : DuPontâ „ ˘ Suva ® 134a is an HFC retrofit refrigerant for R-12. It is used in new medium- and high-temperature stationary commercial refrigeration, ....
Freon R.22 Refrigerant : : HCFC-22 ( also known as R-22) has been the refrigerant of choice for residential heat pump and air-conditioning systems for more than four decades. Unfortunately for....
Freon Suva R 407c Dupont : : Refrigerant Gas R.407c Dupont : : DuPont Suva R 407C is an HFC refrigerant replacement for R-22 in positive displacement systems such as new or existing residential....
Freon Suva R 404a dupont : : Refigerant Gas R.404a Dupont : : DuPontâ „ ˘ Suva ® 404A ( HP62) continues to lead the way as the global industry standard HFC refrigerant for new commercial....
Freon Dupont Suva R 410a : : Refrigerant Gas R.410a Dupont : : DuPontâ „ ˘ Suva ® 410A is the leading HFC refrigerant for replacing R-22 in positive displacement residential and light commercial....