E2V smart - E2Vs* E2V-smart series electronic expansion valves combine the renowned reliability of the CAREL E2V with the versatility of a removable cartridge, covering a range of cooling....
Control System and Automation for BMS, HVAC, Refrigeration 1. Carel 2. Dixell 3. ERVATECH Power Meter 4. ERVATECH Current Transformer
EVD200 - EVD0000200 Independent EEV driver module with pLAN protocol to be connected to pCO sistema controllers. This is an ideal solution for precision air-conditioning units, shelter, ....
EVD evolution - EVD0000E* * The EVD evolution series of controllers for electronic valves is the latest step in the development of the famous CAREL drivers for superheat control. Compared to the....
Ultracap technology for EVDevo - EVD0* Ultracap is the new emergency power supply device for electronic valves, the natural completion of the EVDEvo, range both single and Twin versions, ensuring....
PT 1000 - PROBE he Pt1000 ( TSQ* and TSH* ) probes are suitable for all those applications in which the temperature must be measured over an extended range from -50 to 250 Â ° C, mantaining....
The PT100 probes represent the ideal solution for all applications in which the temperature must be measured over an extended range, from -50 Â ° C to 400 Â ° C ( depending on the model) . TECHNICAL....
The PTC temperature probes represent a solution for both refrigeration and heating applications, measuring temperatures in the range from -50 to 150 Â ° C ( depending on the models) . TECHNICAL....
J and K thermocouples - TC* Type J and K thermocouples allow temperatures of up to 800 Â ° C to be measured. TECHNICAL FEATURES Range TCJ* : 0T400 Â ° C TCK* : 0T800 Â ° C Cable length 3 m
NTC probes reliable and affordable transducers for measuring temperature. The range of CAREL temperature sensors now includes TS* series ( with two new immersion sensors, NTC and PT1000, suitable....
Electronic thermostats - RTA* These represent an ideal economical solution for air-conditioning and refrigeration applications. They allow the user to install a series of control functions in....
ir33 Universale Multi-in - IR33* 9* IR33-DN33Universale Multi-in is a series of controllers suitable for controlling temperature, humidity, pressure or other values with voltage or current....
ir33 Universale Thermostat only - IR33* 7* IR33-DN33Universale Thermostat only is a series of controllers suitable for temperature control in air-conditioning, refrigeration and heating units.....
optiMist - EC* Carel adiabatic cooling optiMist is a humidifier and evaporative cooler that works by atomising water into very fine droplets. The droplets evaporate spontaneously, removing heat....
chillBooster - AC* System ChillBooster is made up of: pumping unit that delivers pressurised water at 10 bars to the distribution system, ON/ OFF flow-rate control, high temperature....
pChrono - PCH* Carel Lighting Management Lighting management Scheduling with programmed on-off times. Up to three daily time bands are available, with easily configurable exceptions. Management....