Siemens SITRANS F M MAG 5100 W with its patented liners of hard rubber NBR or ebonite and EPDM is a sensor for all water applications such as ground water, drinking water, waste water, sewage or....
Siemens SITRANS F M MAG 5000 is a microprocessor-based transmitter engineered for high performance, easy installation, commissioning and maintenance. The transmitter is truly robust, cost-effective....
Siemens SITRANS F M MAG 8000 program of battery-operated water meters gives you the flexibility to install a reliable water flow meter virtually anywhere without sacrificing accuracy or performance.....
SITRANS F M MAG 6000 is a microprocessor-based transmitter engineered for high performance, easy installation, commissio ning and maintenance. The transmitter is robust and suitable for all-round....
Siemens SITRANS TR200 transmitters can be used in all industrial sectors. Their compact design enables simple mounting on standard DIN rails on-site in protective boxes or in control cabinets. The....
Siemens SITRANS TH400 temperature transmitter is a small field bus transmitter for mounting in the connection head of form B. Extensive functionality enables the temperature transmitter to be....
Siemens SITRANS TH100 is rigid designed for economic use. TH100 offers economic plant operation and reliable measurements. It is an ideal substitute for over aged analogue PT100 transmitters. Setup....
Siemens SIPROTEC Compact 7SK80 is a multifunctional motor protection relay. It is designed for asynchronous induction-type motors of all sizes. The relays have all the functionality to be applied as....
Siemens SIPROTEC Compact 7SJ81 provides 4 low-power current transformer inputs. With the same low-power current transformer ( LPCT) a wide range of primary rated line currents can be covered. Objects....
Siemens SIPROTEC Compact 7SJ80 relays can be used for line/ feeder protection of high and medium voltage networks with grounded, low-resistance grounded, isolated or a compensated neutral point. The....
Siemens SITRANS TH300 transmitters can be used in all industrial sectors. Due to their compact size they can be installed in the connection head type B ( DIN 43729) or larger. The following sensors/ ....
Siemens SITRANS TH200 is designed to support all common RTDs, thermocouples, resistance and millivolt-sensors. Setup is quick and easy with the transmitter-modem and SIPROM T software. This....
Picco 12V/ 72W - primary switched power supply / 1-phase IN: 110-230 VAC OUT: 12 - 15 VDC Screw connection
Picco 24V/ 100W - primary switched power supply / 1-phase IN: 110-230 VAC OUT: 24 - 28 VDC Screw connection
Picco 12V/ 54W - primary switched power supply / 1-phase IN: 110-230 VAC OUT: 12 - 15 VDC Screw connection