Cargo Lift are used for handling material or goods to up/ down leveling
Mechanical, Electrical & Engineering Contractors. Specialist Making : Over Head Crane, Passanger & Cargo Lift, Table Lifter, Conveyor, Industrial Supply, etc.
Bed Lift ( Bed elevators) used in hospital for handling patients to up/ down level
Scissor ( Hydraulic) Table Lifter with capacity and lifting as order by client / customer
Steam Tank for food Industries in Cibitung - West Java
Table lifter usually used for lifting good, car or goods from floor to hight level
Shaker Machine, usually shake for agriculture product
Helmet washing machine, using washing helmet for all type helmet.
Handling Wheel chair to cars for human physical defect
Reverse Osmosis Machine ( fabrication) are water treatment for purification in house or industries
Car Table Lifter specialis for handling car from base floor to upstair/ next floors
Wrapping machine used for covering of goods in airport baggage
Product for handling machine in area line production, like as otomotif industri, etc
Crane shipping, usually used lifting boat safety in the shipyard
Goods for material handling in factory and Otomotive Industrial plant.
Over Head Crane, usually used to remove goods anything from one to another place