APPlications : The Goodman Jack is a borehole tool used for estimating the deformability of rock masses in-situ. It is designed to be used in 3" ( 76 mm) boreholes. Two models are available: a....
Applications VW stress stations from Interfels are designed to monitor stress in soil or soft rock. Operation The stress station is connected to a steel cable and lowered to a specified depth in....
Applications The VW total pressure cells from Interfels are designed to monitor radial or tangential stress in tunnel linings. Operation The total pressure acting on the sensitive surface of the....
Key Features â € ¢ Displays water level continuously â € ¢ Adjustable offset and scale, and rotation reversal â € ¢ Optical shaft encoder â € ¢ Wide measurement range â € ¢ Rain gauge input â € ¢ Long life....
Alat Pemantau Evaporasi / Evaporation Monitoring : Descriptions : All Unidata' s evaporation systems measure how much water evaporates from a US Class A evaporation pan by measuring the....
Alat Pemantau Cuaca / Weather Monitoring Description : Unidataâ € ™ s Weather Stations have a broad range of applications depending on your choice of instruments and configuration. One of our....
Special points of interest: - Easy to install - Non contact, Real-time discharge measurement - Robust Construction - Measures Water level, velocity and calculates discharge - Maintenance free....
Features: - Non-Corrosive, Robust PVC & Stainless Steel Construction - Dual Reed Switch - Suitable for Pipe Flow Measurement and water drain measurement - Bucket Tip Volumes can be between 0.5....
DESCRIPTION : The OSS PC1 Pygmy Current Meter is a world recognised design instrument for measuring the velocity of water in shallow natural water courses and canals, small pipes, laboratories and....
DESCRIPTION: The OSS B1 Universal current Meter is a world recognized designed instrument for measuring the velocity of water in streams, open canals, pressure pipes, lakes and seas. Made of....
Alat Ukur Curah Hujan / Rainfall Station / - Total Rainfall Solution - Tipping Bucket Raingauge - In-Built Data Logger - In-Built GSM or PSTN Modem - Stainless Steel Enclosure - Access & ....
Suspended Sedimen Sampler epoxy coated Main Features : â € ¢ Extensive range of sediment samplers â € ¢ Aluminium and marine bronze construction â € ¢ Easy access to the collected sample â € ¢ Based....
Tipping bucket rain gauge 0, 2MM metal bucket Spesifications : - Receiver : 200 mm ± 0.3 diameter machined alumi- nium rim. Powder coated. - Bucket capacity : 0.2 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.1 inch of ra- ....
Application : Total pressure cells measure the combined pressure of effective stress and pore-water pressure. In general, pressure cells are used to verify design assumptions and to warn of soil....
Typical applications for piezometers are: Monitoring pore water pressures to determine safe rates of fill or excavation. Monitoring pore water pressures to evaluate slope stability. ....