Grounding Stick, Ground Stick, Grounding Stik, Stik 20KV, Telescopic Hot Stick
Supplier of tools Electrical and Mechanical for Connection House ( SR) / Low Voltage ( TR) , and Medium Voltage ( TM) , Wireless Air / Underground, ; Terminating / Terminations / Terminal, Jointing / ....
available Jointer for Cable Medium and Low Voltage
Available for various Cable, Cable Power, Kabel Twisted, etc
Heatshrink Busbar Insulation Tubing, Heat shrink, Heatshrink tubing colorful, Selonsong TR, with various types and sizes.
Commonly called Tree Guard, or heatshrink convolution ( hepti) , an application with the wound and then burned, good price.
Termination / Termination / Terminal 1 kV up to 36 kV, type: Heat Shrink / Fuel System, Cold Shrink. Single core cables / single core and three core cables.available in different brands and sizes; ....
Fuse Cut Out / Cut Out Fuse, Lightning Arrester 20/ 24 KV 10 KA, 5 KA.Fuse Cut Out Hubbel, Lightning Arrester Hubbel, Right, etc. Made of Polymer and Ceramic materials.
Live Line Connector / LLC, commonly used in the Air Grid, as jumpers, etc.
Providing Load Break System ( LBS) , which is commonly used for Outdoor Circuit
Ready-VT CT ( Current Transformer-Voltage Transformer, with a variety of spec for indoor and outdoor use Trafindo and Satem, etc
stainless steel straps or stainless steel strip stainless steel or also called a coil / stainless steel plate, used for field work as a binder cable on utility poles ( pole / pole cast) . And by some....
Flexible, Flexible Braid, Braid Flexible Cooper, with quality and woven neatly, economically priced
Connector / Cable Connector ( TR / TM) , Joint sleeve, made of alloy/ aluminum / AL, Copper / Copper / CU, Bimetal / AL-CU, with different brands and sizes, Local and Import.
Cable Joint/ Jointing/ Splicing 1 kV Up 36 kV, type : Heat Shrink, Coldshrink, Resin Methode, for single core or three cores, available in variuos Type and sizes; 3M, Heatshrink - Fastindo, Denson, ....
Resin, Resin Brand 3M, Pirreli, used for connecting cables, etc.