ASAM HUMAT ( HUMID ACID) Humid Acid suitable for plantation, fishery, agriculture, mining reclamation & golf area COMPOSITION % ( Dry basis) Total Soluble Potassium Humate and Fulvate 26.0....
Located at Parung, West Java. It well known as one of Indonesia Central location for fisheries and plants. This strategic location gives reasons for us to be partner for people who involve in....
FI - SPECTRA Green Spectra Hijau Feed compositiion : Protein 22 - 24 % Fat 5 - 7 % Fiber Max 8 % Ash Max 12 % Kalsium 1 - 3 % Phospor 0, 7 - 1, 5% Moisture Max 12 % Information....
Floating Feed " FAST" & Sinking Feed " 982 LP" FAST 982 LP Protein 32 - 34 28 - 30 Fat 5 - 7 Fiber Max 6 Ash Max 12 Calcium 1 - 3 Phosporus 0, 7 - 1, 5 Moisture Max 12 Information & ....
Nano Lis Feed Formulated for fingerling feed Composition : Protein Min 40% Fat Min 5% Fiber Max 3% Ash Max 12% Moisture Max 12% Contact : Dinni + 62 85210792168 + 62....
BIO MIKRO TAMBAK Bio Mikro Tambak consists of probiotik microba, enzim and hormone that increase quality, productivity and cycle of life for shrimp and fish in embarkment area. Bio Mikro using....
Floating Feed Global SAFIR HG 2 Protein Min 33+ % . Fat Min 5 % Fiber Maks 6 % Ash Maks 13 % Mouisture Maks 12% Suitable for catfish. Information & Subscription : 085210792168, ....
GLOBAL SILVER SINKING FEED GLOBAL SILVER Composition : Protein Min 26% Fat Min 5% Fiber Max 6% Ash Max 13% Moisture Max 12% Informatiom and Subscription Ms Dinni Ferani + ....
Floating Feed GLOBAL SAFIR ANALISYS Protein Min 30% Fat Min 5 % Fiber Maks 8 % Ash Maks 13 % Air Maks 12 % Informasi dan Pemesanan Dinni 081314975168 085779878208 ....
Vita 17 Ferilizer siutable for vegetables, paddy Contact : Dinni 085210792168 & 081314975168
Sinking Feed GOLD HG ANALISYS Protein 30% Fat Min 5% Fiber Maks 8% Ash Maks 13% Moisture Maks 12% Information & Subscription Dinni 085210792168, 085779878208, 081314975168....
Gold HG SP -2 Floating Feed contents 40kgs, Analisys : Protein Min 30% Lemak Max 5% Serat Max 6% Abu Max 13% Air Max 12% Information & Subscription: Dinni + 62 85779878208....
Bio Mikro Ternak Bio Mikro Ternak Biological Fertilizer using AGPI ( Agricultural Growth Promoting Inoculant) formula invented by Prof Lukman Gunarto Benefit Of Bio Mikro Ternak 1. Increase weft....
BIO CANE Biological Fertilizer consists of microba that increase biology fertility and nutrient availability in the soil area, with composition below : Azospirillum Sp Azotobacter Sp ....
consists of microba that increase biology fertility and nutrient availability in the soil area, with composition below : Azospirillum Sp Azotobacter Sp Lactobacillus Sp Solvent Phosphate....
AQUABIO 168 Information & Subscription : Dinni Ferani 085779878208 087872395378 085210792168 081314975168