- Polymeric Antiscalant - Antifoam agent - Anti Marine Growth
PT. Harvest Chemical Solution offers a full line of state-of-the-art chemical compounds for water treatment, anti-scalant Oilfield Production, Corrosion Inhibitor and many more. We put our compounds....
Hydrazine 35% solutions Hydrazine 80% Solutions
Chemicals for Start up / Shut down periods - Flushing Chemicals for corrosion deposit. - Flushing Chemicals for slime accumulation. - Filming process Maintenance Chemicals - Corrosion & Scale....
Start up / after installation / recondition - Alkaline Boiling - Passivation agent - Initial Treatment - Idle Boiler Maintenance Chemicals - Scale Inhibitor - Corrosion Inhibitor - Crystal....
Harvest Dispetrol FTD is a multipurpose additive which is used to improve the quality of diesel fuel. At the recommended dosage Harvest Dispetrol FTD provides diesel fuel with the following....
Harvest Dispetrol FTG is a multipurpose additive for gasolines, which protects and cleans engine inlet systems and prevents the formation of deposits on the inlet valves, in the inlet manifold, the....
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION MELASIL DF-10 is a low cost liquid water-based defoamer which offers superior deaeration, drainage and cost effectiveness over many conventional water based defoamers. ....
DISPETROL PD-8 is highly efficient synthetic polymer drilling fluids thinner. It is designed to effectively lower mud viscosity and gel strengths of all conventional water base muds, especially in....
Pre-treatment - Coagulant - Organic Coagulant - Poly Aluminum Chloride ( PAC) - Polymer Flocculants Waste water treatment - Organic Coagulant - Anionic Flocculants - Cationic Flocculants -....
- Demulsifier / Emulsion Breaker - Desalter - Reverse Demulsifier - Pour point Depressant - H2S Scavenger - Solvent Degreaser - Oil Spill Dispersant - Water Clarifier - Chemical Intermediate ....
- Scale & Corrosion remover - Descaler for Hard Silica - Swelling Agent - Flushing agent for corrosion deposit - Flushing agent for slime - Online cleaning - Fin Coil Cleaner - Degreaser - Oil....
HYDROSORB are hydrogels which absorb and retain large quantities of water and nutrients when dipped into the soil or any other growing media. They optimize plant growth with minimal losses of water....
Kind of products : - CMIT/ MIT - BIT - OIT - PHMG - IBPC - Based on Formulation - etc
- Defoamer - Biocide - Antiscalant - Pulp Additive ( Hidroquinore) - Felt, Wire machine cleaner - Retention Aid - Formation Aid - Softener - Silicone based softener - Paperboard polymer - Wet Strength....
HARBOND products allow to reduce soil erosion due to water and wind effects, and to increase its permeability. HARBOND allows the increasing of the weakly structured soils cohesion: less sediment are....