Sale electrode Blue sensor for treadmill or patient monitoring systems, good quqlity
CV. MEI ( Multi Engineering Indonesia ) General Supply and Technical Support for medical equipment, sales, service, instalation, calibration, unit and customer goods or disposible parts. We sale....
Brain Mapping EEG, EEg recording, EEG recorder with mapping EEG
Sale lead Pb and Glass Pb for protection from radiation radiology equipment
Sale oil for trafo HTT use on x ray medical equipment
Sell Silicon rubber for sunction and etc, good Quality. Can make customize your size order.
Sale transvaginal probe for USG toshiba type Capasse thanks
Sale USG GE LOGIC 400, color doppler. probe convex and printer BW, good condition.thanks
Sale USG TOshiba type Capasse product Japan, good condition and function
sale digital tensi meter for personal and your home
sale examination lamp for clinic or hospital
we help you for your radiology equipment permit from bapeten
sale digital scale for hospital, clinic orpersonal
sale ultrasonic nebulizer for adult and children
sale infraphil lamp for theraphy and result infrared ray
sale head cap for operation personel with high quality