OTB atau Optical Terimination box menggunakan Plat Anti karat yang di lengkapi dengan adaptor dan pigtail
We sell various kinds of Optical Devices Such as : 1. Alat Sambung ( Universal Closure ) 2. Optical Transmission Box ( OTB ) 3. Optical Distribution Cabinet ( ODC ) 4. Optical Distribution....
OTB or Optical Termination Box Merk RXS, using a stainless plate, equipped with high quality adapter. Specification : Dimension : 260mm X 480mm X 50mm FO Capacity : 12 Cores
Adaptor Hybride SC ( Male ) - LC ( Female ) usually using for power meter
Adaptor Hybride using for Power Meter if you change slot
Toolkit Fiber Optik using for installation fiber optik
OTB or also called ODF .We sell UC with RXS brand, which has been known among Telkom and has passed the endurance test the water resistance so as to maintain the components in the UC to stay awake....
OTB or Optical Termination Box RXS, using a stainless plate, equipped with high quality adapter. Specification : Dimension : 310mm X 480mm X 180mm FO Capacity : 144 Cores
Splice Joint Closure or also called UC. We sell UC with RXS brand, which has been known among Telkom and has passed the endurance test the water resistance so as to maintain the components in the UC....