Portable Eyewash Station Porta-Stream� � I Fend-All. Fendall Porta Stream I delivers 6 minutes of uninterrupted, hands-free flushing � � � without costly plumbing. Hub : 0857 1633 5307./ 021-99861413.....
MSA Respirator Full Face Advantage 3100. Rubber Harn, MD Crafted to profider convenience and comfort, the advantage 3100 full face respirator is the top choice for worker protection. Hub : 0857....
MSA Respirator Full Face Advantage 3200. Hub : 0857 1633 5307./ 021-99861413. Email : pdglobalsafety@ yahoo.com
MSA Half Mask Type Advatage 200. Hub : 0857 1633 5307./ 021-99861413. Email : pdglobalsafety@ yahoo.com
Lifebuoy Light This lifebuoy light complies with the L.S.A code capable of burning continuously with a luminous intensity of not less than 2cd in all directions of the upper hemisphere for a period....
Breathing Apparatus ( SCBA) Sperian Type T8000 SCBA. Specifications Sperian Breathing Apparatus SPERIAN by Honeywell T8000 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Hub : 0857 1633 5307./ 021....
Breathing apparatus Huayan Type RHZK Normal working pressure : 30 Mpa. Air cylinder volume : 5L, 6L and 6, 8 L. Alarm pressure : 4 - 6 Mpa. Interior pressure Hub : 0857 1633 5307./ 021-99861413.....
he Mustang Survival MV3092 Type V Vinyl Dipped Work Vest is ideal for personnel working on or near the water requiring an approved work vest. Designed to be safe, functional and comfortable, the....
BW Gas Alert Clip Extreme 2-Single Gas Detector-Hydrogen Sulfide ( H2S) . Features & Applications: The BW Gas Alert Clip Extreme 2 is a hassle-free single gas detector for detecting Hydrogen....
The Haws Model 7500 portable gravity operated eyewash features a 16-gallon capacity, FLA high-density green polyethylene tank that provides for over 15 minutes of full pattern flushing at .4 gallons....
Portable Eyewash Station Porta-Stream� � I Fend-All. The 16-gal. capacity of this eyewash station meets ANSI Z358.1-2004 standards. Gravity-fed unit flushes both eyes at the required .42 gpm for 15....
SART SAMYUNG SAR 9 / Radar Transponder. Samyung SAR-9 is a Radar Transponder, which is operated in 9.2~ 9.5 GHz( 3cm) marine radar band. Hub : 0857 1633 5307./ 021-99861413. Email : pdglobalsafety@ ....
Pasta pentru detectia produselor petroliere este o metode usoara si ieftina pentru identificarea nivelului benzinelor si ale altor produse petroliere in rezervoare. Hub : 0857 1633 5307./ 021....
SAMPLE CAN Stainless Steel Zone Samplers are used for the drawing of core or composite samples of bulk liquids. The design allows liquid to pass through the sampler until brought to a....