Boat, Rubber Boat, Inflatable Boat, Perahu Karet, Rafting Boat, dayung, Pompa Air, helm, tali lempar Alat selam, American Scuba diving, Banana Boat, BCs, Bombardier atv' s, Boot, Dayung, Breathing....
Alat Pertanian CV. MESIN ALAT PERTANIAN 021- 70748483, 0251- 7543316, Supply and Providing following : Arboriculture and Holticulture Tools and....
Supply Bio_ Ethanol, Bio-etanol, Fuel Grade Ethanol FGE, Technical Spirit Grade, Gasohol, C2H2OH, Supply Machine, Bio ethanol 99% , Gluko Amilase, Alpha Amilase, Chemical Dehidration CaO, We supply....
Solo Knapsack Sprayer Model 425, the most professional spayer suitable for farming, gardening to industrial use or agriculture use. Weight ( empty) : 4.5 kg Tank capacity 15 ltr Max pressure : 6....
This revised edition features the same colors available in previous books plus additional color charts. Included are a 10Y and 5GY soil chart for glauconite soils, a 5R soil chart for Australia and....
Paddle Wheel Aerator, Menaikkan kadar Oksigen dalam Air kolam tambak Udang : karyamitrausaha@ Telp 0251-7543316
MP-20-P GRAIN MOISTURE TESTER Discover the convenience of versatile, high-speed moisture testing with the M20P portable moisture tester. No cups or screw-on capsâ € ” just get a simple scoop from....
Aqua Boy Moisture Meter, Aquaboy Cocoa Moisture Meter KAM III : e-mail : k111222555@ 08211 2015 928
Mesin Pertanian Alat / Mesin Penyangrai ( kopi, kacang, dll) Alat Panci Presto import Alat Pemeras Makanan ( Press Hidrolik untuk Makanan) Alat Pencetak Dodol Alat....
Pompa Air, Water Pump, Robin Pump, Generator, Tamping Rammer, Plate compactor, Concrete Cutter, Power Trowel, Jeonil Sumersible Pump, Grout Pump, Concrete Scarifier, Power Trowels, Concrete Screeder, ....
Cangkol, cangkul, parang, golok, badik, mandau, arit, dodos, agrek, egrek, deres, pemanen kelapa sawit, alat pemanen getah karet, kampak, belencong, golok, bor tanah, garpu, sekop arit, pisau sadap, ....
Polybag, dll. Contact : 021-70748483, 0251-7543316, Fax 0251-7543281 e-mail : suksesusaha@ Mobile Phone 0813 875 87112 Marglory Mobile Phone 0815 9935009, .....
Fulsfog K10SP Fogging Machine, Mist Blower Sprayer, Hand Sprayer, Semi Automatic, Hansen Sprayer, ULV, Mist Blower, Contact : 021-70748483 HP 0813 803 28 072 Harry E-mail : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo....
watering, irrigation, greenhouse, green house, sprinkler, fittings, filter, sprays & jet, Dripper, & Riser, Sprinklers, pop-ups Contact : Mobile Phone 0813 875 87112 Marglory . www....
ph meter, DO, Conductivity Meter, Turbidity, Sound Level, Tachometer, Vibration Meter, Gas Detector, Anemometer, Humidity Meter, RH Meter, Gas Detector, Dust Meter, High Volume Air Sampler, Water....
Vacuum Frying, Alat Penggoreng buah buahan secara vacuum,, kayamitrausaha@ Spesifikasi : - Spesifikasi Vacuum Frying Kapasitas ( Kg) : 10 kg Dimesin ( pxlxt) ....