Office container are using as a temporary office at site, it usually using at Mining , Oil and gas, drilling operation, Construction, etc
We are a Portable Camp manufacturer and Steel Fabricator, we produce Portable camp from marine cargo container to be a kitchen, mess hall, living quarter, laboratory, ablution block, radio room, ....
Flatbed trailer , 20 ft size and 40 ft size and also customize design
Gauge Tank , is a multipurpose tank as a temporary reservoir for Crude Oil, and other liquid material.
Chemical Tank Truck are a stainless steel tank for using a chemical transportation
Dump Truck, mostly using on Mining company and transportation company for cut and fill.
Vacuum truck usually used in oil field, construction yard, etc. this vacuum truck will suck a oil spill or other waste material to make yard / field clean.
Vacuum Tank Truck, with various capacity are using for suck all the waste material such as : oil spill , dush, etc.
Inside view of Laundry, it is 40 ft container and consist of 6 Washer and 4 Dryer complete with double sink, ironing board and shelve
Inside view of 40 ft Ablution block , it consist of Shower block, Closet, Urinal, and sink
Inside view of Dinning Room. it is joint of 2 x 40 ft container, connecting also with kitchen
Inside view of Kitchen set. it is joint of 2 x 40 ft container also combined with Dinning, preparation and Freezer Chiller
Portable Camp in Cepu, Kitchen set and others camp , in Base Camp for drilling operation
We can make Various type of portable camp from marine cargo container , such as : Sleeper, Kitchen, Dinning , Medical Facility, Meeting room , Laboratory, Office, Radio Room, MCC Room , etc