We offer Ikan Bilih or Ikan Perak or locals call it ikan Pora-pora from lake toba. Latin name of this fish is Mystacoleuseus Padangensis because it originally comes from Lake Batur West Sumatra. ....
Mitranindo ( Mitra Tani Indonesia) We are a company domiciled in Parapat - North Sumatra, is engaged in the marketing of agricultural produce and handicrafts originating from North Sumatra. We....
We offer Red Claw Crayfish, or local calls it Udang Lobster Air Tawar. Our lobster was a wild nature catch from lake toba, north sumatera, using lobster traps. The lobster then quarantined on our....
We are providing Sun Hock Fish, marble goby fish, goby fish, or lazy fish, the size of the consumption. This fish we get as a natural catchment of the lake toba, using fishing line and nets. ....
We provide a variety of crafts Typical Batak land, Lake Toba. Starting from the Sculptures, Bataks -House Souvenirs, Batak ulos, gorga, Traditional Musical Instruments like Hasapi, Ogung, Gondang, ....