Pork Detection Kit / Porcine Test Pork Detection Kit / Porcine Test
Indo Tekhnoplus merupakan badan usaha swasta yang bergerak dibidang distribusi peralatan ukur ilmiah ( scientific measuring instruments ) dari berbagai bidang keilmuan, yaitu; kesehatan lingkungan, ....
Pork Detection Kit is a tool used to test the content of a food or a pig on the surface of cutting tools such as knives and machetes, the tool is very easy to use and the results can be obtained in a....
Please visit www.indotekhnoplus.com for more detail.
Spesification : - Autoranging : 0.030-1.999 ppm and 2.0-20.00 ppm. - Accuracy : 10% T and RH compensated. - 12 hour ( est) battery life. 8 hour charge. 4 hour fast charge available. - Plug....
The E8500 is the Most Powerful and Advanced Portable Gas Analyzer on the Market, and is a Complete, Portable Tool for EPA Compliance Level Emissions Monitoring. â € ¢ Up to 9 Gas Sensors: O2, ....
No Description, please visit our official website www.indotekhnoplus.com for more detail about products.
The WÃ ¶ hler HF 220 is especially for quick evaluation of the humidity of wood. The long needles can be pushed up to 12 mm into the wood, so you avoid measurement errors because of closeness to the....