CARDAMOM Java cardamom, round cardamom Kapulaga .... Central America. ~ In India, the states of Sikkim and Kerala are the main producers of cardamom; they rank highest both in cultivated area and....
DPkusumaFarmNusery is supplier of Agroproduct and Herbal business From Indonesia Lovely Countries , places in java island Indonesia .
Java cardamom, round cardamom Kapulaga ~ .... Central America. ~ In India, the states of Sikkim and Kerala are the main producers of cardamom; they rank highest both in cultivated area and in....
Kapulaga ( Latin= Elettaria cardamomum ( L.) Maton) Sinonim= Amomum cardamomum L. Indonesia: Kapulaga English: Cardamom > > SMS= + 6281-32622-0589 ( sympati-sms) > > SMS= + 6281-901-389-117....
Kapulaga ( Latin= Elettaria cardamomum ( L.) Maton) Sinonim= Amomum cardamomum L. Indonesia: Kapulaga English: Cardamom > > SMS= 081-32622-0589 ( sympati-sms) > > SMS= 081-901-389-117( ....