ALFA TELIDO JAYA runs in Telecomunications.We service, panasonic pabx, cordlles phone, slt, billing system, auto attandent etc, contact Mr.Arif 021 : telp 0251....
ALFA TELINDO JAYA runs in Telecomunications.We Sale and service, panasonic pabx, cordlles phone, slt, billing system, automatic attandent, voice logger, camera cctv for office and ect,
* ) Billing System Standard ( USB Key Lock) : - CO Line PSTN Cost Reports - Extention PABX Cost Reports - Account Codes Personals cost reports - Office Calls and Personal Calls Reports - Users....
ALFA TELINDO JAYA runs in Telecomunications.We Sale and Service panasonic Mr.Arif 021 93088460-08129587736-08158250015.Office : 0251 3995678-8317414fax: 0251 8317414 Email : alfa_ ....