Realization of Power and Power Quality Management. Get a view of energy consumption, contribute to improving productivity, discover electric power waste, detect voltage fluctuation.
Authorized distributor for Furse Lightning Protection System, we provide consultancy, design and turn key installation for your Total solution in Lightning Protection based on Nasional and....
Rod to Cable Clamp for 5/ 8" rod and 16-70mm2 cable. Corrosion resistance, conductivity and mechanical strength with high strength copper alloy
Rod Coupling with patented design for 5/ 8" Furse earth rod
Lightweight High Grade Polymer Inspection Pit for grounding 300mm x 300mm weight 1.8kg with load rated 5, 000kg
Earth Rod 5/ 8" x 1800mm with thread for coupling steel core with molecularly bonded high grade copper standard UL 467, BS 6651, BS 7430 for quality and long lasting grounding
Alumunium Tape 25mm x 3mm for lightning protection - standard BS 2898-1350
To protect your equiptment from lightning - Surge protection for single phase 220Vac 50/ 60Hz, Din Rail mounted with mechanical indicator. Max discharge current 40kA. Optional signal contact for....
Flexible Conduit with ADAPTAFLEX & KOPEX brand which is come from England, ready to give the best solution for protection and management cable system, easy-to-use, very simple and fast installation....
We can provide you all product from T& B ( Thomas & Bett) like blackburn, elastimold, homac, Dragon Tooth, and etc.
Home Touch is product from Hong Kong, for Control System of a Building or your Lovely Home. It is computerized, connected network of electronic devices designed to monitor and control the mechanical, ....
Furseweld, the answer for solid with high conductive joint.