WATER LEVEL INDICATOR The following two models are drum mounted with on / off indicator. A light and audible signal are activated when the probe touches the water. Battery operated, the cable....
WELCOME ... CV RIZFA PERMATA INSANI is supplier and manufacturer of civil engineering quality control tools such as construction for road, bridge, buildings and dams, especially high quality....
TRANSPORTABLE MOISTURE LIMIT - TML ( ASTM Designation ( C230-68) .Three methods of testing for the transportable moisture limit ( TML) are currently in general use 1. flow table test; .2....
CEMENT CUBE MOLD Cast iron, for forming concrete cube sample Cement Cube Mold Cast Iron, 3 gang, 5 x 5 x 5 cm ( 2� � � x 2� � � x 2� � � ) Dimension ( l x w x h) : 20 x 10 x 10 cm Weight: 6 kg
Slump Cone ASTM C-143 AASHTO T-119 FOR DETERMINING SLUMP/ WORKABILITY OF CONCRETE BOTH IN THE LABORATORY AND IN THE FIELD Heavy gauge sheet steel, 4" top dia, 8" bottom dia, 12" height.
Le Chatelier Flask : 250 ml cap, the neck graduated, 0-1 ml and 15-24 ml
Universal Oven UN55 ( Memert - Germany) Ventilation and Control natural convection adjustment of pre-heated fresh air admixture by air flap control in 10 % steps vent connection with....
PROFOMETER 5+ The compact, lightweight Profometer 5+ rebar detection system brings the power of non-destructive pulse-induction technology to the detection and analysis of rebar systems in....
Triaxial Test Set : For determining stress strain relationship of cohesive soil without confining pressure ASTM D-2166 AASHTO T-208 Capacity : 350 Kgf Motor : Dinamo Electric Motor Power : ....
Dial Thermometer Range 0 - 100 C Dial Thermometer Range 0 - 200 C Dial Thermometer Range 0 - 300 C
AUTOMATIC BITUMINOUS COMPACTOR : For compacting asphalt mixture in the laboratory Spesification : Electric, 220 V-Ac Automatic Counter, Quick Clamping system steel frane Wooden Base Weight : ....
Picnometer Hubbart type, 24 ml capacity Picnometer Hubbart type, 25 ml capacity
UNIVERSAL TESTING MACHINE : Heavyduty welded steel constructions Compression Force Capacity : 150 Tons Tension Force Capacity : 50 Tons Double Force Gauge : 10 Inch Diameter Hydraulic....
Percentage Refusal Density ( PRD) is defined as the ratio of the initial dried bulk density of the sample to the final density ( refusal density ) expressed as a percentage. The sample bulk density....
ELECTRIC HYDRAULIC PUMP Power, 220 V - 750 Watt, 1 Phase, 7500 psi 500 bar variable speed reservoir, 10 litres of oil tank capacity Method : ASTM C-39, BS-1881, SNI 03-1990
ORIGINAL SCHMIDT Concrete testing with the Original Schmidt test hammer is the most frequent used method for non-destructive concrete testing worldwide. For every demand and specific test....