MN-200, LAB. PULVERIZER PNEUMATIC Specification : Elektromotor, 3 phases 3 Hp/ 4 KW, 220-380 V-AC, 50 Hz, 4 pole vertical manganese steel grinding head, Complite with mill mate u.m. : set ....
WELCOME ... CV RIZFA PERMATA INSANI is supplier and manufacturer of civil engineering quality control tools such as construction for road, bridge, buildings and dams, especially high quality....
MN 160 DOUBLE ROLL CRUSHER SPESIFICATION : -Gear Motor 3 Phases 4 HP / 3 KW -220 380 VAC -50 Hz 4 Pole -Output 260 rpm Roll 10 dia. 6cm length, -Feed sample 30mm product size 0, ....
MN-280, HARD GROVE GRINDABILITY Specification : Geared motor 3 phases 0, Hp/ 0, 4 Kw 220-380 V-AC, 50 Hz 4 pole, 20 rpm, 8 pieces ball grinder 1 dia, complete with digital preset counter and....
MN-370, THIN SECTION GRINDER Specification : Elektromotor, 1 phases 0, 75 Hp/ 0, 5 Kw, 110-220 V-AC, 50 Hz 2 pole, saw blade 8 dia, 8 dia. Diamond grinder, alumunium body, and double eye....
MN-150, SINGLE ROLL CRUSHER Specification : Elektromotor, 3 phases 3 Hp/ 2, 2 KW, 229-380 V-AC, 4 pole, dentaculated roll & plate of hardened steel, Product size up to 2, 5 1, 5 cm. u.m. : ....
MN-100 JAW / STONE CRUSHER 5" X 8 Specification : Elektromotor, 3 phases 5, 5 Hp/ 4 KW, 220-380 V-AC, 50 Hz 4 pole, Jaw Face : Twp pieces hardened steel, capacity : Max 1000 Kg/ hour. ....
POINT LOAD TEST APPARATUS The strength of rock is an important property which may measured in a number of ways. Point-loaded strength testing is particular useful test method which can be performed....
Furnace Oven Description : Heather : Canthal Wire 3 x 1500 Watt Voltage : 220V / 380V 3 phase ( or I phase ) Control : Digital Temp Control With Ceramic Thermo Couped Type PT 100 Temp : Max.....
SIEVE SHAKER ELECTRIC Fature : SIEVE SHAKER Electric, 220 V-AC, 100 Watt, steel base, 8" sieve dia, 8 sieve capacity capacity, suplied without sieve/ pan & cover Feature : Variable Speed controller....
Heavy Duty Solution Balance, OHAUS-1119-DO Original Brand : Ohaus - item number ( 1119-DO) 20 kg capacity x 1 g sensitivity, suppied complete with set of weight, sliding weight for tare up to 2270 g, ....
SO-600 TRIAXIAL TEST SET ASTM D-2850 Consist of : SO-600.1 Triaxial Compression Machine 1 set SO-600.2 Load Measuring 1 set SO-600.3 Displacement Measuring 1 pc SO-600.4 Panel Control 1 set SO....
BI-460 Percentage Refusal Density / PRD, Percentage Refusal Density / PRD, is defined as ratio of the initial dried density of the sample to the final density ( refusal density) expressed a....
CONCRETE TEST HAMMER ASTM C-805 Manufacture : MATEST ( Italy) Series : C 380 For rapid quality Control of Concrete works, with built in pointer scale and grapht for various angle. Dimension ( lxwxh) ....
MN-170, ROTARY SAMPLE DIVIDER Specification : Elektromotor, 1 phases 0, 5 Hp/ 0, 37 KW, 110-220 V-AC, 50 Hz, 4 pole, Capacity 50 Kg/ 15 Kg/ 8 Kg turn table : 60 rpm u.m. : set Capacity : 50 Kg / 15....
SO-200 / 210 DUTCH CONE PENETROMETER ASTM D-3441 For determining cone resistance and friction resistance of soil layers. SO-201 Press-in Apparatus Steel construction, manually operated 2, 5 / ( 5ton) ....