The FODMaster Rock Sweeper( formerly FODBuster) help for people who must stop Foreign Object Damage, FOD, in aviation. Can be towed by virtually any vehicle. Side Mounted hoppers provide ease and....
We are the manufacturer of the Purion Water Conditioner, the Tripolion Fuel Conditioner, and the FODMaster Rock Sweeper* . If you have any questions about these products, please call or email us. Our....
The FODMaster Rock Sweeper ( formerly known as the FODBuster) . Can be towed by virtually any vehicle. Side Mounted hoppers provide ease and safty in unloading. Durable nylon brush-easy adjustments.....
Magnetic Sweeper bar-used to pick up nails, screws, and other ferrous material from large areas such as streets, parking lots, runways, dispatch yards and factory areas. They are suspended from the....