The growth of the livestock industry poses a problem for the environment as waste accumulated cattle, pigs, chickens and other livestock. Waste is a pollutant because of the decomposition of manure....
Composting is a process where organic materials have decomposition ( decomposition) is biologically, by microbes that utilize organic matter ( C) as an energy source. Processing organic waste and....
Biogas is produced by anaerobic microbial activity in organic materials are biodegradable. Biogas generation as simply derived from the fermentation of fresh cow dung slurry, sewage know, ....
Biogas installation equipment needed to distribute biogas so that it can be used as fuel for heat or used in biogas generator to be used as electric power. Biogas installation equipment package is....
Gas measuring instrument was developed as needed to measure the flow of coal gas, natural gas, LPG and biogas. Benefit the small gas flow measurement, light weight, accurate measurement and high....
Biogas reservoir created using tubular plastic material PE 0.15 mm thick, diameter 150 cm long x 2, 9 m with a storage capacity of 5 m3. Biogas reservoir tube should be placed close to where the use....
Biogas reservoir created using tubular plastic material PE 0.15 mm thick, diameter 150 cm long x 1.7 m with a storage capacity of 3 m3. Biogas reservoir tube should be placed close to where the use....
Biogas Reservoir Tube or holder tube biogas created using PE plastic material tubular diameter 100 cm long x 3 m with a storage capacity of 2.35 m3. Biogas reservoir tube should be placed close to....
Biogas contains elements that are not needed in the combustion, especially water ( H2O) and hydrogen sulfide ( H2S) . In circumstances where the biogas is used as burning material ( stove) ....
Biogas contains elements that are not needed in the combustion, especially water ( H2O) and hydrogen sulfide ( H2S) . In circumstances where the biogas is used as burning material ( stove) elements....
Kerosene lamp biogas ( Gas Lantern) with dim PLT ( 18 x 18 x 28.5) cm, weight ( weight) 1.56 kg, comes with lighter ( cigarette lighter) can be recharged ( refilled gas) . Installation Procedure: ....
The process of fermentation of biomass and organic waste will produce biogas. For wider use, as long as the biogas has disadvantages in terms of distribution. Based on improving its economic....
Simple installation and operation, low service cost with anti-explosive designed of this compressor make it running in safety. Separate electric controller equipped. It is an ideal unit for filling ....