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kopi luwak ( civet coffee)

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kopi luwak ( civet coffee)
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Name:Mr. SENO BAYU AJI [Owner/Entrepreneur]
E-mail:Send Message
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. SENO BAYU AJI at Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. SENO BAYU AJI at Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara
Address:Desa Karang anyar 2 Argamakmur-Kab. Bengkulu Utara
Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara 38613, Bengkulu
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jun. 20, 2010
Business Nature:Trade of Food & Beverage category

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buy our Kopi Luwak Coffee are 100% collected from the wild,
NOT collected from farmed civet !
Our Luwak Coffee is the real kopi Luwak. We have a direct connection with the people who are handpicking the coffee beans, and our expert roasters manage to roast them to provide the consistency in its taste.
Kopi Luwak Coffee comes from the Indonesian island of Sumatra, an area well known for its excellent coffee. Also native to the area is a small civet-like animal called a Paradoxurus. The locals call them luwaks.
Kopi Luwak or civet coffee is a rare and expensive coffee that was once featured on the Oprah Winfrey television show.Other terms used to describe it are earthy, musty and exotic. The body is almost syrupy and it' s very smooth. This is NOT regular Sumatra Coffee like what you usually find at any Starbucks stores. IT' S DELICIOUS COFFEE MORE THAN ESPRESSO COFFEE. TRY IT!
Kopi Luwak great coffees from Indonesia are hard to find because less forest and increase ilegal trading of civet. Unique characteristics resulting from the unique natural fermentation and harvesting techniques profoundly impact the flavor of every bean. We search for lots that embody the best traits of that growing region in Sumatra. we take green coffee beans from tradisional farmers at Bengkulu Utara so it' s really perfect organic coffee.
The coffee beans will then be separated from flakes and dust during the roasting process. We will let the roasted coffee beans cool down for up to 24 hours in order to release the gases from these fresh roasted coffee beans. Furthermore, our packaging team will separate the beans from black beans, stones, sticks, and shells prior to weighing and placing them in the bag. THIS IS REAL SUMATRA COFFEE BECAUSE WE ARE COME FROM BENGKULU, SUMATRA ISLAND , INDONESIA.

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