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Raja Load Cell Indonesia ( Distributor)
Raja Load Cell Indonesia ( Distributor)
Contact Information
Mr. Firman, Ibu Wahyuni
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Phone number of Mr. Firman, Ibu Wahyuni at Jakarta
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Mobile number of Mr. Firman, Ibu Wahyuni at Jakarta
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Fax number of Mr. Firman, Ibu Wahyuni at Jakarta
Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B
Jakarta 13430, Jakarta
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Load Cell CB17 Series
[May. 10, 2010 19:24:33]
* Low capacity. Compact size.

Rated capacity 5.884 N{ 600 gf} ~ 29....
Load Cell KA-11: Stainless steel,  parallel triplicate beam structure load cell.
[May. 9, 2010 19:42:22]
Stainless steel, parallel triplicate beam structure load cell
Simple to install, easy to....
Miniature Pressure Sensor | Miniature Pressure Sensors ( Semi-Flush Diaphragm)
[May. 9, 2010 19:41:03]
Item No. FSH01755
Model: PFS983 , 16 Bar , Flush Diaphragm Pressure Sensor , 0.5 to 4.5....
Load Cell: MSC-4
[May. 9, 2010 19:40:08]
Model MSC-4

Materials Alloy Steel

Protection Class IP67

S type load cell, IP....
Load Cell: APE-13
[Apr. 28, 2010 19:35:03]
Model APE-13

Materials Aluminum

Protection Class IP67

Box type single point....
Load Cell: TGF-7
[Apr. 27, 2010 0:14:33]
Model TGF-7

Materials Alloy Steel , Stainless Steel

Protection Class IP67, IP68
Load Cell: APE-11
[Apr. 20, 2010 19:25:57]
Model APE-11

Materials, Stainless Steel

Protection Class IP67

Stainless steel, ....
Load Cell: APE-15
[Apr. 14, 2010 19:39:38]
Model APE-15

Materials Stainless Steel

Protection Class IP68
Load Cell : E T-7
[Apr. 14, 2010 19:30:16]
Model ET-7.

Materials Alloy Steel

Protection Class IP67

Typical plate ring....
Menjual Load Cell KA-4
[Apr. 12, 2010 19:29:51]
Box type single point loading structure load cell,
Corner adjusted before delivery to....
Load Cell: TGF-5
[Apr. 12, 2010 0:23:25]
Model TGF-5.

Materials Alloy Steel , Stainless Steel

Protection Class IP67, IP68....
Load Cell: APE-14
[Apr. 8, 2010 0:35:09]
Model: APE-14

Materials: Stainless Steel.

Protection Class: IP68

Box type single....
Load Cell CB004 series
[Apr. 4, 2010 19:41:19]
* Mid. capacity. OIML certification.

Rated capacity 98.07 N{ 10 kgf} ....
Bench Top Digital Display
[Mar. 31, 2010 19:28:02]
Item No. FSH02121
Model: IBT100 , Bench Top Digital Display for Rotary Torque Sensors , ....
Load Cell: TGY-3
[Mar. 18, 2010 21:25:52]
Model TGY-3

Materials Alloy Steel , Stainless Steel

Protection Class IP67, IP68
Column Load Cell ( Miniature)
[Mar. 15, 2010 0:04:03]
Product Description.

FUTEK s Column Load Cell ( Miniature) offers an impressive....
Load Cell : CY-7B
[Mar. 12, 2010 0:35:46]
Model: CY-7B

Materials: Stainless Steel

Protection Class: IP68
Load Cell ZA-6
[Mar. 12, 2010 0:34:59]
Bridge type double share beam load cell, unique floating bearing structure
TCP1 series
[Mar. 8, 2010 22:51:27]
* High accuracy canister type load cell.
Suitable for tank or hopper, weighing system.
Column Load Cell ( Miniature)
[Mar. 4, 2010 19:19:44]
Product Description.

FUTEK s Column Load Cell ( Miniature) offers an impressive....
Load cell transducer: scientech,  adam equipment,  denver instrument,  robotherm,  mettler-toledo,  uk weighing scales,  acculab,  gram precision,  scales hack,  acculab,  norther balance and scale,  discount scales,  balance depot,  escali,  MTI weigh systems
[Mar. 4, 2010 19:13:01]
Load cell transducer: scientech, adam equipment, denver instrument, robotherm, mettler....
Multi Axis Load Cell ( Tri-Axial) | Multi Axis Load Cells ( Tri-Axial)
[Mar. 4, 2010 19:04:15]
Item No. FSH02250
Model: MTA600 , Ch Fx: 2500 lb; Ch Fy: 2500 lb; Ch Fz: 5000 lb; , Tri....
[Mar. 3, 2010 19:06:09]
FUTEK Precision Machining is a full service machine shop specializing in high quality....
Pressure Sensor : PRNO1 / PR02 series
[Mar. 1, 2010 0:52:52]
ASIC( Application Specific I.C.) amplifier is installed.
à » High performance....
Load cell transducer: transducer technique,  futek,  amti,  rice lake weighing systems,  sendev,  sensing system,  mhforce,  aldesign,  imada,  central carolina scales,  dover flexo electronics,  dillon quality plus,  sensy,  bongshin,  lcm system,  davco weight scales
[Feb. 28, 2010 19:13:04]
Load cell transducer; transducer, technique, futek, amti, rice lake weighing systems, ....
Pedal Force Load Cell
[Feb. 25, 2010 0:23:43]
LAU200 , 10 lb , Pedal Force Sensor , Includes mounting plate & mating cable/ connector....
T3BI series
[Feb. 24, 2010 0:39:14]
* General purpose tension load cell. Ideal for coversion of mechanical scales into....
Load Cell: CPT-10
[Feb. 18, 2010 20:12:38]
Model CPT-10

Materials Alloy Steel

Protection Class IP68

Column type, ....
Load Cell: CPT-4M
[Feb. 17, 2010 19:57:52]
Model CPT-4M

Materials Alloy Steel , Stainless Steel
Main Dimensions:
Load Cell: CPT-3M
[Feb. 16, 2010 19:35:25]
Model CPT-3M

Materials Alloy Steel , Stainless Steel
Main Dimensions: Null
Low capacity BCL-A
[Feb. 16, 2010 0:23:43]
* Low capacity.
Loading plate can be greater taken.

Rated capacity ....
Load Cell : GX-1
[Feb. 15, 2010 0:11:15]
Model GX-1,

Materials Alloy Steel , Stainless Steel

Protection Class IP67, IP68....
DB9 Connector With Terminal Block
[Feb. 15, 2010 0:10:30]
Item No. FSH02236
Model: IAC150, Screw Terminal to DB9 Board , DB9 Male , Standard , ....
Load Cell : GF-4
[Feb. 14, 2010 19:27:17]
Model GF-4

Materials Alloy Steel , Stainless Steel

Protection Class IP67, IP68
Pressure Sensor : NS115/ NS115 series
[Feb. 10, 2010 19:51:44]
Excellent in the long term stability.
à » Accuracy 0.1% R.O. is available
( ....
Load Cell KA- 7
[Feb. 10, 2010 19:32:53]
Cantilever beam load cell, hermetically sealed stainless steel metallic crinkle Tension....
Sensor transducer: jlw instruments,  nbc,  ako,  dem,  smart sensor,  procter chester,  bolton,  unisystem,  imco,  cram,  advanced witness,  electronic scales,  toledo transducer,  accu balances,  Test weights,  pharmaceutical balance system,  omni mesurement system
[Feb. 10, 2010 19:22:18]
Sensor transducer: jlw instruments, nbc, ako, dem, smart sensor, procter chester, bolton, ....
Torque and Thrust Biaxial Sensor
[Feb. 10, 2010 0:22:07]
Item No. FSH00743
Model: MBA500 , Ch Fz: 50 lb; Ch Mz: 50 in-lb; , Torque and Thrust , ....
U3B1-B series
[Feb. 10, 2010 0:20:27]
* High accuracy, tension / compression service load cell.

Power Supply Kit for CSG110 Amplifier
[Feb. 10, 2010 0:18:50]
Item No. FSH03088
Model: IAC180, Power Supply Kit for CSG110 , w/ Female IAC150 Screw....
Load Cell : UL series
[Feb. 8, 2010 0:07:52]
* A low capacity, universal, bending beam load cell. The UL is excellent when small force....
Pressure Sensor | Pressure Sensors ( Plug)
[Feb. 3, 2010 19:52:47]
Item No. FSH00771
Model: PFP300 , 300 PSI , Female Port Pressure Sensor , Standard , ....
Force Sensor
[Jan. 21, 2010 20:00:35]
Item No. FSH01451
Model: FBB300 , 1 lb , Force Sensor , Standard , Material - 300 Series....
Load Cell: ALP
[Jan. 20, 2010 3:36:33]
Model ALP

Materials Alloy Steel , Stainless Steel

Protection Class IP68

Load Cell KA-5
[Jan. 20, 2010 2:00:30]
* Box type single point loading structure load cell
Corner adjusted before delivery to....
Load cell transducer: scientech,  adam equipment,  denver instrument,  robotherm,  mettler-toledo,  uk weighing scales,  acculab,  gram precision,  scales hack,  acculab,  norther balance and scale,  discount scales,  balance depot,  escali,  MTI weigh systems
[Nov. 6, 2009 19:09:41]
Load cell transducer: scientech, adam equipment, denver instrument, robotherm, mettler....
Load Cell Transducer KA-9
[Nov. 5, 2009 3:13:14]
Hermetically sealed structure, Compression, IP 67 Simple to install, easy to use Suitable....
Load Cell KA- 8
[Nov. 5, 2009 3:12:28]
Metallic crust protect.
Corner adjusted before. delivery to ensure consistent output in....
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