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Mr. Sony Yulianto
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Raya Medokan Sawah Timur No. 22
Surabaya 60259, Jawa Timur
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CRUSHER, Mesin Crusher, Stone Crusher, Coal Crusher, Roll Crusher
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Crusher / crusher machine

Crusher / crusher is a machine to destroy / reduce the size of a particular type of material. Each type of material has different characteristics and thus require different models and Crusher Crusher can be designed to adjust to the type of material will be destroyed.

Here are some types and kinds of crusher and their function:

1. Jaw Crusher

Crusher Jaw Crusher is the most common type, where the system works compress / crush the material until destroyed, used to crush rock hard rock types, such as river stone, mountain stone, mineral stone, gold stone, stone, manganese, iron stone, etc..
The performance of the Jaw Crusher is very-very much determined by the size of the fly wheel ( Wheel Crazy) and the strength of his shaft, because these two components play a role vital. Jaw Crusher for mining production operations can not stand alone, must be supported by other mining equipment.

2.IMPACT Crusher

Impact Crusher is a type of crusher with a rotary system with speed at high rpm, Impact crusher used to crush stone and rock the mountain with the size of raw material is not too large and produce products with small size variations of its size is relatively more homogeneous. This machine is suitable for the production of stone dust or asphalt for dry raw materials or manufacture of paving blocks. Mining production operations for Impact Crusher can not stand alone, must be supported by other mining equipment.

3. ROLL Crusher

Roll Crusher is a type of rotary crusher roller system with a relative rpm speed is lower than the impact crusher is about 300 rpm and has a production capacity which is much greater. The performance of the machine Roll Crusher is dependent on the type / quality tooth materials, shaft size and the size of the Fly Wheel ( Wheel Crazy) , which all must be adapted to the target raw material and production capacity. Roll Crusher is widely used ordinary mining world, namely to destroy the rock with the level of violence and relatively low ductility, such as coal, limestone, cement, stone copper, sulfur, etc.. Mining operations for the production of Roll Crusher can not stand alone, must be supported by other mining equipment.

4. CONE Crusher

Cone Crusher is a type of crusher is quite special and customize, Cone Crusher work principle of this material is pressed vertically rpm rotary speed of about 500 rpm is enough and relies on the strength of the spring. Cone Crusher is normally used as secondary crusher, crusher continued to destroy the rock with a size of about 50-10 cm to produce the desired size. Cone Crusher Advantages of this machine that could produce fragments of stone structures which are relatively homogeneous with cubical shape ( box) , so it is very suitable for producing stone crushed used for the manufacture of highway. Mining operations for the production of Cone Crusher can not stand alone, must be supported by other mining equipment.

5. SHREDDER / Crusher CUT
Cut Crusher / Shredder is a type of crusher is functioning multipurpose, work with the principle of cutting material with a rotary system and consists of a number of blade teeth is relatively a lot. Crusher Machines are used to destroy / reduce the size of a small fragments of various types of industrial wastes, such as automotive wastes, electronic wastes, paint waste, cardboard waste, metal waste plant, etc..

6. PLASTIC Crusher.
This is a type of crusher Crusher cut as well, but has a slightly different construction, work with a rotary cutting system with a high in rpm speed. Usually used to destroy all types of materials made of plastic material into fragments with a size of about 1 cm2.


Hammer Mill, Crusher Machine This type of crusher is a machine that works with the principle of rotary speed at high rmp. Almost the same as Impact Crusher, but to hammer mill to produce products with the subtlety of the bias reaches 80-100 mesh. Hammer mill machinery was commonly used to produce fine sand, mineral concentrates, mineral ore, flour rocks such as limestone, dolomite, zeolites, etc..


This type of crusher machine working principle is the same as hammer mill machine, it' s just that the process followed by a roll mill. Hammer Roller mill machinery used to make concentrates of mineral stones with high violence, and able to produce with a high level of refinement that is reaching 200-300 mesh. It is suitable for use in mining gold, copper mining, etc.. County this machine, maybe we just made, because this machine is 100% the result of our engineering designer.

Trust your crusher needs to us,

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