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Name:Mr. agus cipto widuro,SE [Marketing]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: gus_bit 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. agus cipto widuro,SE at Ciputat,Tangerang Selatan
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. agus cipto widuro,SE at Ciputat,Tangerang Selatan
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. agus cipto widuro,SE at Ciputat,Tangerang Selatan
Address:Jl.Bulak Wangi no. 80 Rt.002/013 Kedaung,
Ciputat,Tangerang Selatan 15415, Banten
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Dec. 21, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Electronics & Electrical category

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Company Brief

PT Putra Kalimba Mars is one company that produces direct different types, size and models of poles such as: power poles with a variety of models ( single / double parabole, monopole, hexagonal, deltapole) , tower pole , cctv pole, antique pillar, mapping road pole, high mast poles, transmitters pole , bts poles , etc.. Through the process of finishing work with Hot Dip Galvanize ( HDG) . And the resulting product still refers to the standard and quality that is released from PLN, with a process of professional labor support, so that ultimately our products can compete in the market. We also manufacture guard rail ( safety side of the road) .

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