Specification :
we want to offer various kinds of racks / luggage / box to store goods - goods that will be brought back kekampung page.
Having a lightweight luggage, lightweight roof can be stored in a box car. Roof Boxes can make a car trunk space will be wider, so that the goods will be more and more families need to be loaded. Especially for those who like touring with the community or a club car, the contents of these boxes actually function the same as with the travelers, but when the car is running in convoy, so the car look more appealing to the eye.
Indeed unique, but it is definitely talking about the function is very pronounced when the car is wearing the box used to travel a lot with my family. It is said that many community members MPV car enthusiasts use the box in his car touring. Similarly, the family of Indonesia known as " homecoming" homecoming Lebaran or any other, would certainly require a lot of boxes for the family car.
quality materials and good design, and lightweight. Arguably even recommended to speed the car up to 120 km / hour. So do not worry about off the street, as long as the locking system to follow the instructions correctly.
That need to worry is when the existing road through the portal. Similarly, when will parking in the basement, because the height of the car need to be taken into account. So, be careful when going in the mall parking lot that is now mostly go to the basement or multilevel parking structure.
However, comfort in the long trip or going home with the family will taste delicious, as well as touring with the club or community that has a lot to recommend using a roof box.