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Name:Mrs. Evy BO
E-mail:Send Message
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Evy BO at Sleman
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Evy BO at Sleman
Address:Sleman, Yogyakarta
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Registration Date:Jun. 16, 2014
Last Updated:Nov. 9, 2015
Business Nature:Manufacturing of Agriculture category

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Company Brief

We present to answer complex problems that arise among actors Agribusiness, both farmers, ranchers, marketers, as well as stakeholders in the agro complex.
Our main focus is not only rooted in providing support products, but also refers to the technique of execution Organic Farming, and no less crucial, which is an improvement on what we summarized Entrepreneurial System of a range of existing systems and promote Entrepreneurial.
Facing competition in areas such Agrocomplex fierce, of course we were prepared with several advantages. As already noted above, MMC products are created based on years of research, accompanied by experts from academia and have been proven to boost outstanding results, supported by Best Entrepreneurial current system, which combined a conventional system and network, are expected to compete and break Agrocomplex such a wide market.
Our Vision, Natural and Fair prosperous conformable
Our MISSION, along with True Healthy Mother Earth
Our PURPOSE, maximize existing resources to Towards a Better Quality of Life

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