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Teknologi Pemupukan l Pupuk Majemuk Tablet l Pupuk Lepas Terkendali l Mesin Pupuk Kompos l Mesin Olah Limbah Kebun - www.kencanaonline.comTeknologi Pemupukan l Pupuk Majemuk Tablet l Pupuk Lepas Terkendali l Mesin Pupuk Kompos l Mesin Olah Limbah Kebun -
 Sell:Pupuk Tanaman dan Perkebunan Kopi ( Coffea L.)  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Mente  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Karet ( Hevea Brasiliensis)  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Kakao  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Lada  Sell:Mesin Kompos Rotary Kiln Elektrik [ RKE 2000 L]  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® ( Rotary Kiln Elektrik ) RKE  1000 L  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® [ Rotary Klin RKM 1000 L]  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® [ Hand Rotary]  Sell:Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Padi  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Biji [ Peas & Beans Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack ) Gramafix® Buah [ Fertilizer For Fruits ]  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Daun [ Leafy Vegetable Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack ) Gramafix® Sayuran Umbi [ Fertilizer for Root Crops ]  Sell:Komposter Elektrik Biophoskko® KE 100L  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [ M]  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [ S]  Sell:Penggembur [ Bulking Agent ] Kompos Green Phoskko® [ GP 2]  Sell:Aktivator Dekomposisi Kompos Green Phoskko® [ GP 1]  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [L]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Tanaman Hias [Ornamental Plant Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Jagung [Corn Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pupuk Kompos Green Phoskko®  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Kacang   Complete Compound Fertilizer For Legum  Sell:Gramafix® Sawit   Palm Oil Plant Compound Fertilizer Specific  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Cengkeh   Clove Compound Fertilizer Specific  Sell:Gramalet®   Complete Compound Fertilizer Flexible Formula 
Contact Information

Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR [Director/CEO/General Manager]


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Phone number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung

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Mobile number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung

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Fax number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung


Jl. Pungkur No 115
Bandung 40251, Jawa Barat

Showroom & Workshop Jl Raya Banjaran No 222, Bandung Selatan 40376, Jawa Barat, + 62-812221160
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Pupuk Tanaman dan Perkebunan Kopi ( Coffea L.)


Coffee is an export commodity that was encouraging because it has relatively high economic value in domestic and world market, hence the coffee plant is one of the leading....
Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Mente


Gramalet ® Mete ( Cashew Fertilizer Specific) as fertilizer formulation special for cashew tree plant. Its contain complex ingredient nutrient such as macro nutrient Nitrogen, ....
Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Kakao


Based on the results of soil fertility survey showed that most of the cocoa plantation land in many locations in Indonesia has the status of organic materials is very low. In....
Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Karet ( Hevea Brasiliensis)


Fertilizer tablets Gramalet  ® Rubber is a complete compound fertilizer tablets ( PMLT) - the content and nutritional composition of NPK, micro MgSCa formulated and manufactured....
Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Lada


Gramalet ® Lada as fertilizer formula special for pepper plant. Its contain a complete essential ingredient such as macro nutrient ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and....
Mesin Kompos Rotary Kiln Elektrik [ RKE-2000 L]

Rp 29.500.000 ( Loco Bandung)

Composting Machine Rotary Kiln Electric Biophosko  ® RKE-2000L PLT dimension ( length = 280 cm, width = 230 cm, height = 200 cm) made of metal and fiber resin, aeration equipment, ....
Komposter Biophoskko® ( Rotary Kiln Elektrik ) RKE -1000 L

Rp 19.500.000 ( Loco Bandung)

Biophosko ® Rotary Klin with dimension ( Height= 190 cm, width= 155 cm, length= 290 cm) made of metal and fiber resin, motor engine 3 House Power ( HP) and others aeration tools.....
Komposter Biophosko® [ Rotary Klin RKM 1000 L]

Rp 15.000.000,- ( Loco Pabrik Bandung)

Rotary Klin Biophosko ® RKM 1000 with dimension ( Height = 190 cm, width= 155 cm, length= 290 cm) made of metal and fiber resin, metal and other aeration equipment. Rotary Klin is....
Komposter Biophosko® [ Hand Rotary]

Rp 7.950.000,- ( FOB Bandung)

Biophosko ® ( Rotary Klin Type) , Dimension ( Height= 100 cm, lebar= 67 cm, Weight= 150 Kg and length= 90 cm) made of fiber resin and others aeration tools. Rotary Klin Biophosko ....
Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Padi

PM ( Pro Memory )

Gramalet ® Padi as compound fertilizer formulating special for rice paddy and staple food crops like grain, rice plant, cassava, edible tuber. sweet potato, ect. It' s contain....
Pupuk ( 60 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Biji [ Peas & Beans Fertilizer]

Rp 450.000,- Per Karton Isi 60 Pack 250 gr (loco Bandung)

Gramafix ® Sayuran Biji as a compound fertilizer formula special for of kind peas and beans vegetable crops fertilizing needed. The group of Peas and Beans are like hot chili and....
Pupuk ( 60 Pack ) Gramafix® Buah [ Fertilizer For Fruits ]

Rp 450.000,- Per Karton Isi 60 Pack 250 gr (loco Bandung)

Gramafix ® Buah as compound fertilizer formulation special fruits plants, like : mangos, orange, gujava, banana, apple, mangistan, star fruit, lychee, hamlet. etc. Itâ € ™ s contain....
Pupuk ( 60 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Daun [ Leafy Vegetable Fertilizer ]

Rp 450.000,- Per Karton Isi 60 Pack 250 gr (loco Bandung)

Gramafix ® Sayuran Daun as compound fertilizer formula specific for leafy vegetable crops, like : green peas, soybean, peanuts , cabbage, cauliflower, mustard greens, lighter....
Pupuk ( 60 Pack ) Gramafix® Sayuran Umbi [ Fertilizer for Root Crops ]

Rp 450.000,- Per Karton Isi 60 Pack 250 gr (loco Bandung)

Gramafix ® Sayuran Umbi as compound fertilizer specific formula for tuber and root crops like : onion, edible tuber, potato, casiavera, sweet potato, cassava, flower gardening, ....
Komposter Elektrik Biophoskko® KE-100L

Rp 1.495.000,- ( Loco Batam Port)

BiopPhosko ® KE-100L Electrical Composter, created to fulfill hobbies desire of crop, and flower of environmental lovers - which have exasperation, desire and caring process....
Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [ M]

Rp 395.000,- (Loco Bandung)

Komposter Biophosko ® Compost Bin [ Type M] with dimensions ( Height= 80 cm, Diameter: 40 cm) , a drum made of plastics is the right solutions to handle trash ( especially for....
Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [ S]

Rp 295.000,- (Loco Bandung)

Komposter Biophosko ® with dimension ( Height= 60 cm, Diameter= 35 cm) , a drum made of plastic is the right solutions to handle trash ( especially for organic trash from....
Penggembur [ Bulking Agent ] Kompos Green Phoskko® [ GP-2]

Rp. 35.000,- Per Pack 7 Kg ( Loco Bandung)

Green Phoskko ® [ GP-2] Bulking Agent is a mineral materials, energi, and is rich of micro element that functioning as material in decomposition process of compost or garbage, for....
Aktivator Dekomposisi Kompos Green Phoskko® [ GP-1]

Rp 550.000,- Per Karton 20 Pack

Green Phoskko ® [ GP-1] Compost Activator ( @ 250gr/ Pack ) is pre-eminent microbe consortium ( bacterium of aktinomycetes, yeast, and mushroom) organic decomposing materials ( ....
Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [L]

Rp 595.000,- (Loco Bandung)

BioPhosko ® - Komposter [ L] with Dimension ( Height= 90 cm, Diameter= 55 cm) , a drum made of HDPE plastic is the right solutions to overcome trash ( especially for organics trashes....
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