Pemupukan Spesifik Lokasi- Flexible Formula Fertilizer[Jul. 21, 2010 6:13:36]
Gramalet complex or complete compound fertilizer flexible formula have complex ingredient such as macro nutrient like Nitrogen ( N) , Phosphorus ( P) , Potassium ( K) , and enrichment by secondary nutrient like Magnesium ( Mg) , Calcium ( Ca) , Sulphur ( S) and also micro nutrient essential as copper, Chlor, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum, iron) with Chlor-free compound for individual use, in tablets form.. Produce by Sinar kencana have been launced since 1994. Farmer do not need any other fertilizer usually using such as Urea ( N) , Phosphorus ( SP) or Potassium ( K) , because Gramalet fertilizer have contained all nutrient that plant needed. So, Gramalet made fertilizing easy.
Fertilizer formulation and produce is our competency company, so furthermore we would like to inform you many kind flexible formula fertilizer product we could produce. Formulation made depend of kind plant and also how fertilility land condition. Complete Compound Fertilizer
Gramalet® divided to 3 brand name there are :
( 1) Gramaflex® as flexible formula fertilizer;
( 2) Gramafix® as specific formula fertilizer for each plants or crops; and,
( 3) Gramafert® as prilled former appereance with specific formula for any group plant or crops;
We serve all product and brand that as we have and I hope you could interesting to make cooperation with us. You could send us fertility condition your plantation, garden or rice fields, and our task to calculate and give you recommendation to use fertilizing formulation and nutrient composition.