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Company Brief

Registration Date: Jun. 25, 2024 Last Updated: Aug. 12, 2015
Business Nature Manufacturing, Trade of Construction & Real Estate category

Jakarta, EnergiToday - the steel processing industry is targeted to come on stream in and has completed construction of an integrated steel industry is the first phase of the next phase will begin in 2014 and beyond. " Hopefully, if there are no barriers have started to operate, " now when Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development, meanwhile, in addition to building the steel processing industry, we also build other supporting facilities, as fuel for iron ore processing, as well as infrastructure. also has a number of companies mining iron ore and coal and its other supporting sectors of our sales CENTER IRON STEEL, MILD STEEL and other ferrous materials BETON- IRON STEEL ( WIDE FLANGE ( WF) ; H BEAM; CNP) that varies the type of steel PIPES " We always committed to provide the best for the customer: competitive prices, a wide range of delivery, quality assurance of products we sell. " With the motto " MONEY BACK gUARANTEE " , we strive to provide the best service to the customers who choose to shop online.Komitmen trustworthy & fully understand your time is so valuable

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