Registration Date: Jun. 25, 2024, Last Updated: Nov. 12, 2012
Business Nature: Service of Transportation category
Company Brief
Resided in 260, 000 square meter area and supported by modern tools and experienced human resources, the company soon accomplished its mission to be " One-Stop Container Depot " .
PT Indra Jaya Swastika ( IJS) is offering a wide range of services that will cover all of our customer needs.
IJSâ � � s services and facilities include,
1. Container Stacking Yard,
2. Reefer Facilities,
3. Repair and Cleaning Station,
4. Fumigation Facilities,
5. Commercial Warehouse,
6. Bonded Warehouse,
7. Inland Clearance Depot,
8. Container Sales and
9. Transportation.
Powered by skilled workforce, IJS provides excellent service for every customer to ensure customerâ � � s satisfaction.