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Action Mining Services Indonesia QQ PT. Imperium Centrebiz
Contact Information

Mr. Hary Setiawan [Owner/Entrepreneur]


Instant Messaging:

Y!: hary_stw@yahoo.com 
Phone Number:

Phone number of Mr. Hary Setiawan at Surabaya

Mobile Number:

Mobile number of Mr. Hary Setiawan at Surabaya

Fax Number:

Fax number of Mr. Hary Setiawan at Surabaya


Pantai Mentari W-3, Kenjeran
Surabaya 60121, Jawa Timur

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MD 5008 Metal Detektor China,  mampu tembus kedalaman 2-5 meter

Rp 7,5 juta

MD-5008 metal detector

MD-5008 metal detector

* Product name
* Type
* specifications
MD-5008 metal detector
* MD-5008
* 3M

Commodities Introduction

Butt Fusion Welder

Rp 75 juta

Product ID  PJ-315
Product Name  Butt Fusion Machine
Product Desc 

Application  ¦ 315,  ¦ 280,  ¦ 250,  ¦ 225,  ¦ 220,  ¦ 180,  ¦ 160
temperature of heatrplate 0 ....
Contoh Batuan & Mineral ( Rock & Mineral samples or specimen)

Rp 500 ribu s/d Rp 75 juta an

Two small uraninite cubes from Canada. We have plenty in stock, samples of rock and mineral from all over the world.
Bio Detox

Rp 655 ribu/botol/100 kapsul

Contains nutritional chelating agents with an affinity for removing
toxic heavy metals. Also contains important replacement minerals. The best we' ve found as a
Flex Banner Welding Machine


Product ID  PJ-BW
Product Name  Flex Banner Welding Machine
Product Desc 

Technical Data
Voltage: 230V Frequency: 50Hz / 60Hz Power : 2100W
- Temperature : 80 - 530....
Hot Air Welding Machine


Product ID  PJ-RW
Product Name  Hot Air welding Machine
Product Desc 

Voltage: 230V
Frequency: 50HZ
Power: 3400W
Welding Temperature: 20-620
Air flow range: ....
Hot Wedge Welder

Rp 37,5 juta

Product ID  PJ-WDB
Product Name  Hot Wedge Welder
Product Desc 

Technical Data

Voltage ( V) : 220V
Frequency ( Hz) : 50Hz
Power ( P) : 600W
Welding speed ( V) : ....
Hanna Ph+ ORP+ Temperatur meter

Rp 6,5 juta

Hanna Ph+ ORP+ Temperature meter fit for ( gold) mineral processor around the globe
Alat Analisa Mineral XRD Untuk Emas,  perak,  tembaga dll

Rp 195 juta

Portable X-Ray Diffraction fit for pro geologist
Teknetics T2 Ltd

Rp 22 juta

Renowned Target Separation

* Best Ergonomics in the Industry
* Intuitive User Interface
* Menu-Driven User Interface
* Trigger Actuated Target Pinpointing
* Double Filter....
Jet Mill-Impact Mill-Hammer Mill Action Mining

Rp 55 juta

Check out our online Storefront for descriptions and ordering information for many of our products. We have a number of excellent technical books on all aspects of lab work, ....
Ore Roaster Action Mining USA

Rp 145 juta

Our newest product - the Continuous Ore Roaster will process 50-500 lbs/ hr through the roasting chamber ( 2â � � metal pipe) moving through the 4 ft long oven chamber. Temperature....
MineLab Metal Detector Australia



We are an official agent of MineLab Metal Detector for Indonesia market in associated with Action Mining Australia Q/ Q Mr. Ian Freeland.

Minelab produces world....
Sluices box Keene USA - karpet

Rp 75 juta

Sluices box is gravimetric devices fit for alluvial or placer deposit. Ready stock 1 unit, spec 66 cm widht x 407 lenght, price Rp 75 million
Removable Screen Basket Action Mining USA

Rp 3.5 juta

New Removable Screen Basket for the M7/ M8 feed trough to remove small amounts of oversized material
M10 Micron Wave Table - Fine Gold Recovery Action Mining USA

Rp 330 juta, kapasitas 4 - 8 ton/jam

Wave Table atau meja gravitasi basah, sistem ini juga dikenal dengan istilah hydrometalurgy, 100% bebas bahan kimia dan sangat ramah lingkungan, cocok untuk para penambang emas....
Micron Wave Table Tipe M5,  M8 & M10 - Meja Gravitasi Basah Untuk Recovery Emas Produk Action Mining USA

M8 Rp 81.5 juta & M10 Rp 330 juta

Dear VVIP Gold Miner Clients

Thank you for your enquiry regarding Wave Tables M5, M8 & M10. We an agent in Indonesia

Wave Tables are an innovative, wet gravity separation, ....
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