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Mr. Reno Tri Putra [Director/CEO/General Manager]
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Ruko Niaga Kalimas Blok D6 Jl. Raya kalimas Km 37 � Inspeksi kalimalang, Bekasi Timur
Bekasi, Jawa Barat
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Elcometer 223 Digital Surface Profile Gauge
A Digital Surface Profile Gauge which measures the peak-to-valley height of a surface in a similar way to the Elcometer 224.

â � ¢ RS232 output - for direct transfer of readings....
Elcometer 108 Hydraulic Adhesion Tester
The Elcometer 108 Hydraulic Adhesion Tester is an extremely versatile gauge which can be used for many adhesion requirements. Tests can be made on flat or curved ( concave and....
Elcometer 106/ 6 Adhesion Tester
The Elcometer 106/ 6 Adhesion Tester has been specifically designed to measure coatings on concrete.

Operating in a similar way to the regular Elcometer 106 Adhesion Tester, ....
Elcometer 106 - Adhesion Tester
The Elcometer 106 Adhesion Tester is easy to operate and fully portable, and provides a numerical value for adhesion. Applications include paint or plasma spray on bridge decking, ....
Elcometer 236 dan 266 DC Holiday Detector
This instrument performs high voltage testing to detect pits, holes, flaws etc. in coatings.

The Elcometer 236â � � s convenient carry case allows the probe handle and....
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